Hi guys, this may seem stupid but I haven’t found many answers (to be honest I guess I haven’t looked that hard yet)relating to muscular soreness. My situation is: Every time I train hamstrings, or calves (GHR’s, Snatch Deads, and calf raises) they are sore to the point of limping for about 3 days and total soreness lasts about 5-6 days sometimes a week.
For glutes and quads it’s usually around 3 days soreness (my adductor magnus also always hurts like sh** after lunges). Even doing the same program (al beit progressing in weight or reps completed of course)for 4-6 weeks still results in the same soreness. However, for my training partners they never feel any soreness (they do use slightly lighter weights). I just want some possible reasons behind the variance in soreness between me and other folk. How many of you guys experience soreness as i’ve described?
Bear in mind i take 20 grams BCAA’s while i train and always have a carb and protein shake after training (both of which may reduce soreness I hear).
For my quads the soreness is more mild than for hamstrings, i’d say tender more than sore. For my upper body my chest can be sore for 2-3 days, don’t always feel my lats unless i’ve taken a week off training. Upper back is always sore for 2 - 3 days after deadlifting. Other than that, nothing too noticable for the upper body.
The weird thing is i don’t think i do that much volume compared to other T-Nationers.
Hip dominant day = 6 sets of 5 of Snatch deads, 3 sets of 8 goodmornings and 5 sets of 4 reverse lunges per leg. Is this excessive??? because this workout leaves my entire posterior chain sore for 4 days usually, adductors and hamstrings are still tender today 6 days later.
Oh and I take magnesium guys. Cheers for all the responses btw Its good getting opinions on this because I don’t understand soreness very well at all. It doesn’t bother me because i’m so used to it, but i just wanna know why it’s different to everyone i train with if you get what i mean
How long have you been training? Your GPP could just be low, that could very easily result in extreme soreness. Especially if you are somewhat new to it.
Do more posterior work throughout the week instead of just one day. That will eventually help, not to mention probably bring your lifts up.
I think you’re dead right. I have only been training 7-8 months and I’m new to the concept of GPP. I’m positive that my GPP is shitty. I do deadlifting, goodmornings and lunges on Mondays, then on Thursdays I start with 5-6 sets hang cleans usually working up to a max, followed by front squats. Do you suggest more posterior work on the thursday?
And yep i agree fish oil is great, i take about 3000mg DHA a day along with around 1000mg EPA. Although i hadn’t realised how much difference it makes in my soreness because I’ve been taking it the entire time i’ve been training.
Yeah man im in the same boat as you are, my hamstrings get so sore to the point of debilitating pain. They by FAR take the longest out of any of my muscle groups to recover, im not quite sure why. Obviously if your doing a new exercise some DOMS is definitely going to be expected but for me its also like you said, every week im out of commission for a good 5-6 days. CT has a good recovery protocol article which i suggest you check out here
granted you could still get sore by doing something new even if you trained those muscles frequently already.
for example i wont ever get soreness if i squat 2 times a week, but i may get if i do leg extentions. or hamstring curls.
basically, doing something that you havent done in a while is what gets me sore. the more time that i havent done it and the more different it is from what ive been doing frequently the more sore it will get me.
also big changes in sets/reps/weight can get me sore.
Be careful with tight hamstrings; mine have been tight recently and I overstretched them and now I strained/pulled my right hamstring/groin, pretty painful.
I’m not sure how much mobility stuff you do, but a dynamic warm up before I lift and then again if im very sore the following day(s) has helped me quite a bit. Also you could try using the foam roller on it before lifting as well as for recovery later on in the day/week.