[quote]Aragorn wrote:
[quote]ryan.b_96 wrote:
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Love high frequency training, but I would NOT recommend it to beginners because:
a) they have no bloody idea how to control loads and as load control and programming is one of the most important factors–and as even intermediates have trouble listening to their body–this makes it unsuitable for most beginners unless following a pre-written program such as Starting strength or something (not a big fan of Starting strength, but you get my drift)
b) beginners have a tendency to overwork themselves if they are motivated–this goes hand in hand with point “a”. High frequency is not forgiving of overwork, and a motivated beginner could potentially try to “shotgun” things like doing 5x5 squats with deadlifts and bench and goodmornings and tricep extensions and hamstring curls and lunges and overhead press 5x a week. Not a good recipe.
Better IMO to give beginners some good volume 2x a week (like an upper/lower split 4 days a week, or WSB or something) than try high frequency off the bat. That way the motivated ones can work themselves into the ground on a heavy day and still recover for the next workout, and the unmotivated ones can learn what hard work is.
That being said, I know firsthand that many olympic lifters from the Russian school of thought will squat 4x a week at 5x5 volume. My brother does this as his coach is from the former USSR. He has 2 front squat and 2 back squat days. “deload” days when he is feeling sore and slow are “only” 3x3 hahaha. [/quote]
i disagree if anything beginers should train more frequently not less. i dont get your first point most beginers should be following a pre-written program.
My first point was precisely that–most beginners SHOULD be following a pre-written program…and as there are extremely few high frequency prewritten programs–AND, as beginners have an inability to properly program loading, exercise selection, and volume on their own–these two factors make high frequency training not suitable to beginners.
I do not consider 2 leg days a week (or bench days, or back days) high frequency. I do not consider 3x weekly whole body workouts to be true high frequency programs (stuff like TBT, starting strength etc). I think upper/lower splits hitting each twice a week, or 3x weekly whole body sessions are perfectly fine for beginners.
Unless they are under the guidance of a coach, I do not think squatting/deadlifting/benching or anyyhing else 4 or more times a week is suitable for a beginner, for reasons stated above. Not sure where your confusion comes in.[/quote]
its alright i get what you were saying, its just our defintions of high frequency are a little different.