Hey TNation
Long time lurker, first time post. Before I start want to just say thank you to everyone on the T Nation team and all the users in the forum, I am convinced this is the single best source for weight training and nutrition for weight training around.
Now I am not new to exertion headaches, I got my first a few years back when I was trying to squeeze out the last rep. But recently I have been getting them more often in particular each time I try to squat for the past two week.
A little background. About a month ago I started loosely following Peary Rader’s squat routine. I really like squats and have never tried a sets of 10 that kicked my ass so much. But the other week when doing my last set of squats I felt the sting in the back of my skull of a exertion headache coming on. Well I think it was because I still had the bar on my back keeping pressure or something but I felt this pain and then continued with my last 2 reps. When I put the bar down I was hit by a train, and my workout was instantly over.
Not only that but for the better part of the next two days I had a lingering headache and felt kinda nauseous. This went away and 2 days passed and it was time for more squats. I concentrated on my breathing and worked through the sets only giving myself a minor headache.
Then I went to the dentist (I know from left field right) and found out I was getting gum recession due to clenching (from lifting), so I went and got myself a mouthguard. Which takes me to today.
Another squat day (aren’t all days squat days ;] ), the first time with the mouthguard. In my warm up I noticed that I wasnt exhaling quite as powerfully through my mouth, due to the mouth guard. So I payed attention to this. In my first heavy set right at the end I got another splitting headache. This one compared to the first so I called it a workout trying not to to exasperate it more.
So my questions, for those that have suffered from these before got any advice on how I can continue to squat heavy and avoid these headaches? Do I just need to take a few more days off? should I de-load for a week and then hit it hard? Can the angle of where I am looking affect this more? Ill take any advice.
Thank you,