Hello guys, I need some help. I need descriptions of the following exercises:
Altitude Drops
Straight axe chops full extensions Jockey row
Subscapular chins
Plate shoulder rotations
Reverse Squat
Knee up/Reverse Knee up
Also, how can I replace chin ups/pull ups? I have only access to free weights and no chin up bar. I need an exercise that will train the same muscle groups or atleast the one tha is most simillar to the chin/pull up.
for subscapular chins check out exercises 1 and 3 in the top 7 upper back exercises by poliquin
i think plate shoulder rotations are external rotations done holding a plate in each hand, so like the rotation stage of a cuban press/rotation, basically the same movement you do when using a shoulder horn.
correct me anyone if i’m wrong, but would a reverse squat not be a squat starting from the bottom position (so you get a concentric followed by eccentric phase)?
& according to fred hatfield, altitude drops involve: “stepping off a box or platform from a height of 5 feet to 9 feet”. i think its just a more extreme version of the depth jump. if you search plyometric exercises on google or something you might find a better description or picture or something. hope this helps!