I really enjoyed this past leg workout so I thought I would post it :
Front Squats(heels raised off wedged board)
3-4reps with a 501 tempo (then rack the bar and switch to:
Back Squats (Heels raised off a wedged board)
3-4 reps with a 411 tempo, then step forward off the wedged board to:
Regular Back Squats
3-4 reps with a 321 tempo
REST,1.5-2 minutes then proceed to A2 exercise
Leg Curl (Fast twitch drop set)
3 reps 311 tempo doing a total of 4 3 rep drop sets on a 311 tempo.
REST 1.5to 2 min, and repeat each circuit four times.
Good Mornings 6 reps with a 321 tempo , proceed to
Romanian deadlifts hands pronated 6 reps with a 411 tempo (you will need to add weight) proceed to
Regular Deadlifts for using strong deadlift grip, 6- 8 reps with a 511 tempo.
Rest 10 sec in between each exercise, repeat 3 times.
4 sets 8 411 tempo of dard dorsi flexion superset to
4 sets of 10/10/10 drop sets using the seated calve raise.
Pat your self on the back it was hard! Now 4-6 hours later 4 sets of 1 min on 1 min off jumprope 4 stadiums exploding off your calves do not exceed 1 min on 1min off 4 100 yard dashes exploding off calves take 1 min rest in between.
The reason for the running is thats the only way I got my calves to grow, using explosive movements in the evening.
Let me know how you liked it. Beginners don’t try this workout. It is very very demanding.-