Hooollo Everybody,
I know that there are many CSCS’s, strength couches, S&C coaches, various sports specific coaches/trainers, a lot of PTs, instructors and many other strength sports and sports Nutcases on this site!! I know that many of you visit this forum, too.
Normally the quality of advice and responds is fantastic. Although I’ve been in the game for nearly 2 decades, I still learn new things from YOU!!
(well, there’s quite some shit too!)
Anyway, I decided I am going to pick your brains!
I am becoming LAZY and complacent! Or maybe sometimes just temporarily slow (talking about “brain-power”).
I normally train quite a few people (various levels of performance: from weekend worriers to absolutely top guys competing in Nationals, European, Worlds and Para-Olympics . . .
well, and PLENTY of fat women of various shapes and level of BF).
We all have some specific ways of doing things… and now I wanted to talk about warm-ups.
I realised that although over the years I tried quite a few things, I tend to follow my own fads and am rather narrow minded when some of my “warm-up fads” is in fashion.
Example would be:
1 Choose 3-4 body weight exercises and perform them in circuit fashion, 30 sec each. Rest for a few seconds and…repeat 3-5 times.
(exercises such as Burpees, Lunges, squats, Light Turkish-Get-ups, jumping jacks, etc…)
2 Choose 3 of the above exercises and do them 3 min each (easy pace). Rest 1 min between sets.
3 Add skipping Rope to the above
4 Skipping Rope on its own - say 3 x 3 min
5 - Plenty other shit that I was brain washed with during my College and Sports Science/Physical Education studies.
Theory is theory, we all know it…but some drills are more entertaining than the others.
And here comes my question - Can you share your GOOD, INTERESTING Warm-ups from your repertoire…regardless the group you come from (sports specific, S&C, or just training Fat B******s).
I’d really appreciate your input. I reckon it could be of some help to many others on this site.
I just want to get this post going… I’ll surely add a few more myself.
Well, final note - 8-10 min of Treadmill followed by 10 minutes of static stretches - We ALL know this one, so save some electricity!