Ever Pass Out Deadlifting?

I think I came close once. Finished the lift, got the bar back to the ground and then… I was just sitting beside the bar. Don’t remember having a seat, yet there I was.

Anyway, thought of that when seeing this video:


I come close to passing out pretty much every time I deadlift or squat heavy/high reps. Has been a reocurring issue for me, but I’ve managed to keep it together so far =)

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Merge this thread with the “how heavy do you need to lift” one please. Lol.


Never passed out, but I DID have my controls reversed on me


Oh yeah, you were on the cusp! What is that called in boxing? A standing 8-count?


Hah! That sums it up. I’m sure no ref would let me continue.

I HAVE blacked out twice on axle press overhead. That has the super fun effect of having the axle fall on you as you land.


Feinting might be caused by the Valsalva Maneuver, which can cause sudden drop in blood pressure. Also found this:

“Fainting during deadlifting probably occurs due to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex, which describes a state of shallow breathing or low respiratory rate, low blood pressure, and low heart rate.”

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Funny how it hits a few seconds later. You have just enough time to feel cocky and then…

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Smelling salts might help you. A lot of people seem to think they are just for hyping you up, or waking you up after you black out, but I think I read they can be used to prevent blacking out.

When I finish a hard deadlift set, I’ll kinda stay down with my hands on the bar, then breathe out slowly, hang out a bit, then stand up slowly. A few times people have checked on me to see if I am okay. I am, just preventing a black out.

Same with overhead pressing. I’ll rack the bar, and lean on it, then slowly exhale and hang out for a bit.

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Same. Even this morning with landmine deadlifts. Stayed bent over and just inspected the plates for a few seconds. Whipping back up to a standing position exacerbates the issue. And definitely never yell “Woo!” after standing. Then everyone is looking at you as you go to la-la land.

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I’ve passed out doing max set squats once. I used to keep the safety rails at a height that I’d tap slightly just to let me know I’m hitting depth, and I think I might have overcompensated that day and let the bar tap the rails just a second too long. I came up and tried to grind out of it and just passed out. I ended up passing out back into the squat position and just laid…well, more like sank down. I wasn’t scared much, but the handful of staff that were there early that morning were concerned and gave me an extra water bottle bottle and turned the overhead fans on full blast.

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