Hey guys one of my good frieds just got offered a movie role in a really small production. He is pretty skinny and the director told him he needs to put on 20 pounds in just about a month. He asked me if i could help me gain weight, being that he cant afford a trainer or much of anything. I pictched in some cash for him to buy some good testosterone and the trianing i will be doing is mostly for extreme hypertrophy. So tons of reps maybe between 10 to 15 reps and lots of super sets. I am having him eat everything often and lots of protein. I have read lots of articles and feel that i know what i am doing for the most part but i would love some suggestions and help to help my friend get as close as possible to 20 pounds
For one you’re from Utah and most likely Mormon. 2 I highly doubt your friend could afford testosterone and everything needed but yet not have enough for “much of anything”. 3 This is a shitty troll attempt…
I would go heavy with higher set volume versus doing high reps and supersets personally, gonna burn off a ton of calories doing the latter. Get his diet in check. Have him drinking whole milk, eating a lot of full fat cheese, have him add oil to his shakes, have him carry a bag of mixed nuts etc. With respect to just purely gaining 20 pounds, his diet is going to be more key than his training unless that 20 pounds has to be all muscle.
“he needs to put on 20 pounds in just about a month”
Does he need it to be all muscle or is some fat ok?
Some fat is okay… I know its kinda intense. also i dont see what being from utah or Mormon have anything to do with anything but i guess thats some help. I am having him eat tons and the testosterone was the only thing he could afford because i wanted him to spend the money on that because i know that will be the best thing for him. Just looking for help not any kinda of student grade school fun making. Although it is the internet and easy to hide me hind a web name. JUst want some help
How do you ‘know’ that T is ‘the best thing’ for him? What experience do you have with AAS and what experience do you have with advising others?
Hmm you really shouldn’t be giving someone test and whatever else if hes a skinny guy who doesn’t have a great training background. This should be in the Steroids forum.
Well i have trained all my friends but never had to do anything like this and i thought i made it pretty clear that I am the only person able to train him he does not have money to pay for a trainer so if you were offered a movie role i am guessing you would take it too and just use what resources you have. As for as testosterone goes i have used many and instead of commenting this should be in another forum why not just not say anything at all. I am just trying to help a friend wit the knowledge i have which i will admit is not increidible. Anyother problems people want to waste there time addressing rather than giving me advice on what i am asking for.
[quote]sonnynlewis wrote:
I have read lots of articles and feel that i know what i am doing[/quote]
This is completely contradicted both by your question and the information that you reveal in it. As previously stated, you are unqualified to be advising on such supplements, and should actually read the well constructed articles on this site, rather than simply stating that you have. Once you have done that, there will be no need for you to create threads like this. If you have any further questions after you have done your reading, using the search function would be your best bet.
[quote]sonnynlewis wrote:
Well i have trained all my friends but never had to do anything like this and i thought i made it pretty clear that I am the only person able to train him he does not have money to pay for a trainer so if you were offered a movie role i am guessing you would take it too and just use what resources you have. As for as testosterone goes i have used many and instead of commenting this should be in another forum why not just not say anything at all. I am just trying to help a friend wit the knowledge i have which i will admit is not increidible. Anyother problems people want to waste there time addressing rather than giving me advice on what i am asking for.[/quote]
So you are saying that “you have used many testoserone(s)” ? So you’re saying that you have experience with steroids but you also think that testosterone is the right drug to put on 20lbs of scale weight in 4 weeks? Explain your line of thinking please.
[quote]sonnynlewis wrote:
Well i have trained all my friends but never had to do anything like this and i thought i made it pretty clear that I am the only person able to train him he does not have money to pay for a trainer so if you were offered a movie role i am guessing you would take it too and just use what resources you have. As for as testosterone goes i have used many and instead of commenting this should be in another forum why not just not say anything at all. I am just trying to help a friend wit the knowledge i have which i will admit is not increidible. Anyother problems people want to waste there time addressing rather than giving me advice on what i am asking for.[/quote]
I was merely suggesting that this should be moved to the steroids forum so that you could get more help from people with exp. in the field, as i have no exp. with roids. Also, because your friend who obviously isnt working out right and now is considering AAS use.
But since you replied to me like that(and seeing you have 9 total posts), i will summarize your problem.
You are a BRO, asking about ROIDS, to get your friend SWOLE, in 4 weeks.
Super-skinny, relatively young/untrained guy gaining 20 lbs in a month? If he can pay for the food… That + Big Beyond Belief, or shit, probably just about any decent BBing routine and get stronger as fast as you can…
No AAS needed.
don’t be a moron why would you give someone gear, especially a young untrained person…
I wouldnt get him to take AAS unless you know what your doing, kinda sounds like you dont
Idiot. Prescribing pharmaceuticals to a newbie?
Twenty pounds in a month is very doable if, like you said, your friend is pretty skinny. He needs to eat like a lunatic and lift 6 days a week. When I was a newb, I was severely thin. I gained 20 lbs my first 4-5 weeks of lifting and eating until I was almost sick. Even after the 20 lb gain, I only looked like a normal person. It took another 20 lb gain to actually look like I lifted weights.
I would get this guy on gear gear for a month. I don’t know much about steroids, but I know there’s some serious risks, especially when administered by idiots, and it’s not worth it for a stupid movie role with a idiot director that doesn’t go ahead and cast a bigger dude in the first place.
I say go with eating shittons of food, work hard in the gym, and see what happens.
Gain 20lbs in a month, this is easy. Train until until you want to vomit and eat 5,000 calories a day. When I first started training i gained 50lbs in 10 months as a newb at 26 years old. Basically I just did what i explained above, nothing very complicated.
Rippetoe’s+ 10 hours sleep
Boy’s not roids just Pro homrons. Over the counter. 50 dollars, nothing intense, i know nothing about roids just decent testosterone. I have used it i have had my brother and other friends use it, always gotten good results, but i am not talking about any type of roid, i should have made that more clear sorry.