Hey all, Elitefts has their training manuals on sale for one dollar each right now. I thought some of you would like to know. I ordered their beginner, dynamic squat, dynamic bench, bands, and template manuals.
Thanks a lot. The info from elitefts is simply the best there is. I picked up a few of their manuals as well…
DAMMIT I just bought crap right before that. If I knew I’d have picked up the beginner manual and training templates… Coming from Canada I would have a 30$ broker bill for every item anyway, so I guess I’m winner-winner…
I bought em and another book, at that price they are a bargain. However i’m pissed that there shipping costs have blown out alot since my last order from them and almost constitute an ass raping for international customers
5 manuals and 1 book(High Low Sequences of Programming and Organizing Training) Subtotal: $49.95 Shipping: $88.92 UPS Worldwide Expedited. I guess they have been screwed by scammers or the unreliability of USPS and are choosing UPS so they are guaranteed it gets there.
[quote]daraz wrote:
DAMMIT I just bought crap right before that. If I knew I’d have picked up the beginner manual and training templates… Coming from Canada I would have a 30$ broker bill for every item anyway, so I guess I’m winner-winner…[/quote]
I agree completely. Paid $40 for a DVD, $14 for UPS to ship it, then another $47 for “brokerage fees”. All this for it to arrive in the same amount of time as the post office, which would have charged, if anything, $8 for tax and customs handling. I love all the stuff Elite sells, but it’s really hard to justify the blackmail tactics of UPS.
When a friend of mine was dating a guy in the US, I actually got something shipped to him, and then he re-shipped to me for almost nothing rather than deal with UPS and “brokerage”. Still, $1 a manual is a sweet price…