Recently got the results of my elbow mri, have been having pains on medial and lateral area of elbow for a year now,
to my surprise, there were no tears in the tenons, no tendonitis and no arthritis THANK GOD
but i am going to go to physical therapy for my elbows to get them back into shape. the doctor explained that tendons rubbing over each other or something… not sure what to say, but he said it was some sort of impingement syndrome, and that nerves are involved. i asked him what i could do to start helping immediately and he gave me some forearm exorcizes. one things for sure, i sure as hell will never do chins or pullups again. i think rowing modifications with machines and dumbbells will do. And I think ill do pushups for pushing strength,.
Ive become so freaked out about joint health that i don’t want to be throwing around more than 300lbs for reps any more, a good physique is enough for me. does anyone else here have issues with nerves? this is just so weird. im 28 now and want to keep my body fresh for as long as possible. haven’t been doing any sort of heavy training for at least 3 years now. that’s a pretty good break, and its been 5 years since i squat or dead lifted heavy.
I had a nerve entrapment in my elbow from being put into a full arm cast for 2 months. Whenever I did pull ups or rows I would get shocked, having the pain shoot from my elbow to my thumb. ART cleared it up. I still have a snapping of a tendon in my elbow, but the nerve isn’t being caught anymore so it’s a non-issue.