EDT Training

Anyone have success w/any one edt training over another
very interested in looking for a new program

This pairing has worked wonders for me condition-wise.

15 min PR zone
A1. Back extensions
A2. Weighted swiss ball crunches

If you need something more challenging,

10 min PR zone
A1. Deadlift
A2. Dip

10 min PR zone
B1. Squat
B2. Chinup

undeadlift, why are you saying only 10 mins for the deadlift/dip edt session? i would say the back ext/weighted crunches was more harsh on the usually underworked abdominal region?!

i have heard that the squat/chin up paring is very good for conditioning… having said that swap the chin up with a overhand pull up and you got a killer right there!

man that’ll need some good recovery!