Anyone have some personalized EDT routines that were successful for them that they’re willing to share ?

Looking to implement EDT during my upcoming cutting phase and want to shake it up somewhat from the original(s) including shoulders.

Thanks in advance


Not really I Got soem figuring out to do.

Monday: Chest / Back
(15 min. Singles on Incline Barbell Press)
90% 1RM

(15 min. Dumbbell Flat Bench and T-Bar Rows Wide-Grip)

(15 min. Low Incline Flyes and Seated Rows)

Wednesday: Legs

(15 min. Squats and Stiff-Leg Deadlifts)

(15 min. Leg Ext. and Leg Curls)

(15 min. Step-Ups with Dumbbells and Various Calf Raises)


(15 min. Wide-Grip Pullups and Standing Push Press)

(15 min. Close-Grips Pullups Palms Facing You and Lying Tricep Ext.)

(15 min. Weighted Dips and Hammer Curls)

Saturday: Shoulders and Abs

(15 min. Dumbbell Lateral Raises and Various Ab Exercises)

(15 min. Lying Incline Lateral Raises and Various Ab Exercises)

  • This is definitely an intense program, but I really like my results so far. I needed the direct shoulder work. I also have Push Presses with Pullups so that my triceps aren’t a factor. I also mix up Singles on exercises I feel comfortable with. Once I get over 15, I up the weight. You must increase your caloric intake because you will burn more calories on EDT than anything I’ve ever experienced before.
    Hope this helps,

Oh…I don’t think my body can take more than a month of this program, so I plan on doing very light lifting on that 5th week.