Randy-the site i found this at was essiacusa (convert that to a url of course). i believe this is only a 60-cap version. also, if you look at the picutres and compare this to the one on the atletika website, they do not look the same. that same website is also trying to pimp two other products: rangicrin and mumie along with the retibol in a package (it wasn’t retabolin-1 though). also they fail to put any information along with the product, leading me to believe that someone is ripping off the name. sorry i posted that. the cheapest i have found the 120-cap bottle from atletika so far is $44, but i’m still looking. if eas makes that good of a product (supposedly containg 38.8mg 20-hydroxy BetaEcdysone per 2 tablets – meaning only that amount per day if it is the same potency of the retibol – plus the 200mg of methoxy-7 per tablet doesn’t hurt) then it might be worth buying…the only thing is 50 servings of this runs $40 at netrition, which they say to take 3 servings daily…this would run $2.40 per day and price this out of my range. if anybody has a cheap, effective source i would be interested in hearing about it. it sounds good enough from some of the posts on here, just too damned expensive…