Eating is a Pain

I need help with this diet. I dont wanna negelct any aspect of nutrition, but i also want the cheapest and most convenient food possible. convenient means i hate cooking, and im willing to eat nothing but the same food over and over with no variety.

From the dairy group i go thru a gallon of milk
meat, chicken
grains, whole wheat bread

what would be good for fruits and vegetables? like i said, if there is one magic one that has all the vitamins and minerals, i dunno if asparagus does, i’ll live off it. also, is milk enough for dairy? chicken for meat or do i gotta add something else? bread enough?

btw my i use hammer down strenght and endurance (and i wish i had the mobility) and my supplements are multivitamin, fish oil, dissected liver, and creatine mono.

trying to gain or lose weight would make a huge difference in the responses you are going to get.

Oh ya, sorry. Gain, sarcomere only. I use hammer down strength, which is composed almost entirely of partials, singles, and triples so as to build useless size.

[quote]J-- wrote:
Oh ya, sorry. Gain, sarcomere only. I use hammer down strength, which is composed almost entirely of partials, singles, and triples so as to build useless size.[/quote]

I dont really know if its possible to build “useless size”, and it certainly isnt possible to gain muscular mass(size) without adding muscle(weight), and if there is it isnt going to be much.

No one on the olympia stage weighs 200 pounds if you know what I’m saying. However, it is possible to gain strength without gaining size/weight.

Umm… Just eat good foods in that case. If you arent willing to add weight for fear of gaining “useless size” no one here can help you, because its impossible.

Meats, potatoes, milk, veggies, fruits… Anything in those groups is fine. Stick to the low rep ranges and lift fast and the strength will come. Monitor you weight and adjust food intake accordingly.

Do a search for “Tailor Made Nutrition”