Hello, sorry for sending in one of those “I want the perfect diet and I want to lose all my fat and gain tons of muscle” letters, but…I want the perfect diet and I want to lose all my fat and gain tons of muscle…Just Kidding.
I’m 18, weigh 170, 5ft 4in - short and chubby, but built better than most football players at my school, yes, I’m a T-Teen. I have great muscle definition but I wanna get rid of the ol’ tire around the waist - I’m going to try this new diet that I kinda just threw together, and I wanted to know if you had any suggestions for me. Here it goes:
Mon-Fri (school)
Breakfast: MRP w/ fruit
Lunch: Tuna Sandwich w/fruit
Snack: Oatmeal w/peanut butter or scoop of MRP
Dinner: ??
Weight Training followed by MRP
The reason my dinner was ?? is because I have no idea what to eat for dinner. I’m a hispanic and my parents always make some sort of Mexican platter for dinner, and I know that all that fried and greased crap can’t be good for me…tasty…but not good.
Sat and Sun - ??
I have no Idea what my parents will shove down my throat on weekends, but I’ll try to stick with this plan w/ ur suggestions.
What could I have for dinner that wouldn’t bust my wallet? Are those “Healthy Choice” frozen dinners really the “Healthy Choice?” Please help Me out here, older brothers.