So I was gaining wait for about 7 months or so, I went from 155lbs to 195lbs.
I started cutting some weight, and things were going nicely.
Over the last few weeks, I now just feel awful when I try and eat much. My stomach never gets full, I get a headache and start to feel sick, as if I might vomit. I get up from eating, knowing I’m still hungry.
During the day, i can feel incredibly hungry, but feel awful and actually not really wanting to eat.
I ask, because quite frankly I’m loosing weight all to fast at this point, and think some of my lethargy could be a result of my lack of calories.
My resting is about 3500 calories, and I’m no where near that right now.
I take Spike on occassion, but it does nothign but great things for me, and my appetite is shot, regardless if I’ve had it that day or now.