(not (necessarily) for powerlifting purposes; say, for maintenance purposes when ME and RE are not feasible)
<bear with me, I have no one knowledgeable in exercise science to talk to around here - i.e. where I live>
Firstly, NO, I’m not suggesting or thinking dynamic work can be used to (completely) replace ME or RE work…
Tension = Force = mass * acceleration.
Common sense would say that a lighter weight (say 60%…80% 1 RM) lifted with the maximum possible acceleration would create the same tension in a muscle of a much heavier weight (85…90%, or more).
Yes, high speeds means (almost) no Type I fiber stimulation. But, since Type II fibers have a lot more potential for hypertrophy and strength…
Done instead of ME (when, say, you don’t have access to a gym): singles…triples
Done instead of RE: triples…up to, say, 8 reps (so one can still stay in the ~15 second interval in which your type IIB fibers work), for many sets.
Personal experience:
Doing unweighted, explosive chins took me to the following:
- about a year ago, after a long lay-off (some years), got me back to doing >35 kg (1RM) without doing one weighted chin-up in those months, or doing any more difficult variations (I just did chins and pull-ups with a completely tense body, for ~5 reps/set, as often as possible)
- after more than a month of no weighted chins, just explosive chins, lever work, and rows, I got to easily do 45 kg (100 lbs) for 5 singles. Some months ago, 40 kg meant a 15 second grind…
Also, mr. Bolton can work with ~50% or less of his 1RM and keep his strength, because, he says, he’s very explosive (again… F= m * a)
What is your experience with this? Or, if you’re knowledgeable in exercise science, does this work as well as it should?