[quote]PGJ wrote:
Doing bench press today. 225 is well within my range (good for about 4-5 reps). I was in the middle of the 3rd rep when my right wrist “popped” or rolled and I dropped the weight on my chest. I caught it on the rebound and some guys came over and helped me get it racked. No injury or anything but I’m concerned about my wrist now.
Is this a technique issue or a wrist strength issue? This happend once before with 250lbs many years ago. When I say it popped, I don’t mean it made a sound as in an injury, it just suddenly rolled forward and the weight came out… [/quote]
This is almost certainly a technique issue and I’m not sure I agree with the gloves with straps kinda deal. To that poster, I would say if you don’t always bench in a power rack while along at home (with weight you couldn’t get off your chest) then you are waiting to become a statistic - gloves or not. Most weightlifting related fatalities involve the bench press and asphyixiation…nuff said.
I believe your problem is just an issue of “staying tight” and proper wrist position. I too have felt this thing you experienced if I’m not paying attention or get out of the groove in that direction. I doubt its a wrist strength or injury kinda thing but then again, we’re just chatting over the internet so its hard to tell.
I know not much advice was given in this post but maybe some food for thought about benching w/o spotters. Personally, I work out at home - if I’m benching something I can only handle for those few reps, I’m in the power rack. If you can’t find a spotter, I suggest you do the same. And by the way, I’ve also seen people miss the lift the opposite direction.
You didn’t mention if you were using a thumbless grip? Anway, the best advice is to understand you never know what can occur when you’re under a heavy load. Better to be safe than sorry.
And one last cautionary tale; I know of a young guy, colleged degreed, on his way to becoming a laywer, some BB modeling type work, etc…world and future in his hands…anyway, he’s squatting IN THE SMITH MACHINE at Gold’s Gym in LA…Yes, THE Golds. His knee gives out under a load of about 315 and he either is using a smith that doesn’t have safety stops at the bottom or he didn’t set them - I forget…end result? The bar crushed him, came down on his neck and he’s a quad now. TRUE STORY.
Bottom line; use the rack or have a spotter!
Good luck to you.