Has anyone used Don’s program that he outlined in an Iron Dog from issue 209 or any variation of it? It was supposed to help drop fat and add muscle fast. I plan to use it in a slightly different manner by working towards fat loss only.
Actually I’m really curious about DA’s nutritional advice given in his Iron Dog column for meltdown II. If you havent read it he recommends BULKING with MeltDown II on 100-200 grams of carbs a day.
A while back there was a thread debating the possibility of bulking on a low carb [some even suggested ketogenic] diet. Needless to say nothing ever came out of that thread because it was all theoretical.
Has anyone bulked on such a diet? I’d be interested in hearing results. It will save me the trouble of being the lab rat in this experiment =)
I’m on day 4 of ID diet/training protocol… Alessi’s supplement recommendations are definitely on point, since AM Meltdown / PM HIIT training leaves me invigorated, not exhausted as one would expect… keep in mind that four days out of the week, it’s basically a Fat Fast diet (maint -1000cal, 50gC total for the day). I’ll give y’all an update in a few days… I think it’s too soon to report just yet. Do an author search for “Dana Houser”… he claimed to have gotten crazy results from this program (+13 lbs gain, 5% BF drop in four weeks w/ Myostat + Mag10). Mos def worth a try in my opinion…
Thanks for the replies. I’m gonna go ahead with it but I have a question: Can you have something to eat before performing the weight workouts or should you perform them on an empty stomach? Thanks in advance.
Train on a mostly empty stomach since lactic acid training should make you nauseous the first few times. Make sure you take BCAA’s (and MD6) before Meltdown.