and had been doing it thus- all exercises for the one body part in circuit fashion i.e
6 Incline Dumbbell Presses at 45-degree angle
Rest 10 seconds, 12 Incline Barbell Presses at 45-degree angle
Rest 10 seconds 25 Incline Dumbbell Press at 30-degree angle
Rest 2 minutes
then the same for back and then legs on legs day then shoulders on shoulder day etc.
however a little bit of further reading has led me to believe I may be getting this arse about face and it should be 6 incline dumbbell presses supersetted with 6 weighted chins, and so on and so forth.
Could a kind soul please shed light on this for me? I expect and deserve any taunts and abuse that is to follow…
I just cant imagine anybody can lift any decent weights on this type of program. If it was alternating bodypart exercises then maybe, but if its 3 exercises in a row of the same bodypart, I would recommend something else.