Do You Use Clips?

Lifter at my gym asked why I used clips even on my warm up set of bench. I think it’s just a habit of mine. Plus, it’s one less thing to worry about. It’s not like I need clips but it’s safer to lift with them.

But this jackass went as far as saying that it’s the same as using a smith machine because the clips are stablizing the weight for you or something like that.

Do you lift with clips?(bench,squat, deadlift, etc)

I typically don’t use them on BP, but for DL and squats, I have to as my commerical gym’s bars aren’t the greatest. The plates begin to slide like a bastard if not kept perfectly level. I say continue to use 'em and tell that guy you’ll ask the next time you want his opinion.

I always use them out of habit because, well, shit happens. I’ve heard varying comments on the safety of using collars when you’re training alone. Some of the strongest dudes I know say that if they’re ever afraid they might have to bail on a lift, they prefer to be able to slide the plates off the sides.

To me that sounds fucking crazy, but collars are all about safety, so do what makes you feel the most safe. You’re not less of a man if you use collars. Some elitist dick may judge you, but at the end of the day it just doesn’t matter.

I always use collars.

Having seen enough close calls with people dumping lifts I always use collars. 3 plates on one end going down and a barbell whipping at you is not cool.

Depends how rusty the bar/weights are.

[quote]Obisidian wrote:
I always use them out of habit because, well, shit happens. I’ve heard varying comments on the safety of using collars when you’re training alone. Some of the strongest dudes I know say that if they’re ever afraid they might have to bail on a lift, they prefer to be able to slide the plates off the sides.

What is crazy about not wanting to crush your neck, like you said, shit happens, why not be prepared for it, instead of setting yourself up to get crushed when something goes wrong.

Clips/collars don’t “stabilize” the wieght like a smith machine at all. I use them on almost all my working sets because my gym’s bars and plates are very sippery and even minor adjustments can throw the plates halfway down the bar.

For the most part, utilizing racks and/or benches to do certain exercises is cheating as well. I prefer to look around in dumpsters or possibly hobo villages under the bridge for crates, boxes, or, on one occasion three shopping carts stacked on each side to balance my weights on. I usually grab a a few 2x4’s to place across a couple milk crates for my bench training. There’s nothing like maintaining perfect (unarched for safety) form while being aware of the possibility of crashing into the floor to invigorate your bench training.

As far as collars go, I can see how this hardcore athlete has an issue with such a ‘pretty boy’ tool to help you in maintaining some sort of INFUNCTIONAL stability with your weight training. Everyone who has any sort of real-world FUNCTIONAL strength knows your loads need to be as unstable as possible or you will only be a strong ape in the gym and not be able to do any real-world movements.

Next time this beast of a training specimen has a break between his rounds of kipping pull-ups or tabata sets of kettle bell swings over head, I suggest you pick his brain and finally get some actual results out of your training instead of cheating your way through life.

I use them when I bench at the house, for lack of spotter. I had an incident where I got stapled by the bench and had to flip one end on to the ground and muscle one end off of me (thats what happens when you have your wife spot you}. That taught me to go for triples instead of singles when I train alone.

I know this was mentioned, but also when doing high rep squats it is real pain in the ass when a 45lb plate slide only a couple of inches it throws you off and you get out of the grove.

[quote]TheTexican wrote:
For the most part, utilizing racks and/or benches to do certain exercises is cheating as well. I prefer to look around in dumpsters or possibly hobo villages under the bridge for crates, boxes, or, on one occasion three shopping carts stacked on each side to balance my weights on. I usually grab a a few 2x4’s to place across a couple milk crates for my bench training. There’s nothing like maintaining perfect (unarched for safety) form while being aware of the possibility of crashing into the floor to invigorate your bench training.

As far as collars go, I can see how this hardcore athlete has an issue with such a ‘pretty boy’ tool to help you in maintaining some sort of INFUNCTIONAL stability with your weight training. Everyone who has any sort of real-world FUNCTIONAL strength knows your loads need to be as unstable as possible or you will only be a strong ape in the gym and not be able to do any real-world movements.

Next time this beast of a training specimen has a break between his rounds of kipping pull-ups or tabata sets of kettle bell swings over head, I suggest you pick his brain and finally get some actual results out of your training instead of cheating your way through life. [/quote]

I read a great article (wish I could remember who wrote it or I’d link it) that completely changed my perspective regarding what we think of as “gear” or “cheating”. Basically, imagine how hard it would be to squat 500lbs without a barbell. Is the barbell “gear”? Is it “cheating”? It’s certainly making it a lot easier for you to lift 45 lbs plates, that’s for sure.

Yes, good point. I suggest we all just pile fat chicks on our backs and see what our 5RM is with two fat chicks stacked up.

I train at home alone.

Benchpress is the only exercise in which I do not use collars, so that if I fail a lift I can dump the weight.

[quote]TheTexican wrote:
For the most part, utilizing racks and/or benches to do certain exercises is cheating as well. I prefer to look around in dumpsters or possibly hobo villages under the bridge for crates, boxes, or, on one occasion three shopping carts stacked on each side to balance my weights on. I usually grab a a few 2x4’s to place across a couple milk crates for my bench training. There’s nothing like maintaining perfect (unarched for safety) form while being aware of the possibility of crashing into the floor to invigorate your bench training.

As far as collars go, I can see how this hardcore athlete has an issue with such a ‘pretty boy’ tool to help you in maintaining some sort of INFUNCTIONAL stability with your weight training. Everyone who has any sort of real-world FUNCTIONAL strength knows your loads need to be as unstable as possible or you will only be a strong ape in the gym and not be able to do any real-world movements.

Next time this beast of a training specimen has a break between his rounds of kipping pull-ups or tabata sets of kettle bell swings over head, I suggest you pick his brain and finally get some actual results out of your training instead of cheating your way through life. [/quote]

laughed so hard

[quote]TheTexican wrote:
For the most part, utilizing racks and/or benches to do certain exercises is cheating as well. I prefer to look around in dumpsters or possibly hobo villages under the bridge for crates, boxes, or, on one occasion three shopping carts stacked on each side to balance my weights on. I usually grab a a few 2x4’s to place across a couple milk crates for my bench training. There’s nothing like maintaining perfect (unarched for safety) form while being aware of the possibility of crashing into the floor to invigorate your bench training.

As far as collars go, I can see how this hardcore athlete has an issue with such a ‘pretty boy’ tool to help you in maintaining some sort of INFUNCTIONAL stability with your weight training. Everyone who has any sort of real-world FUNCTIONAL strength knows your loads need to be as unstable as possible or you will only be a strong ape in the gym and not be able to do any real-world movements.

Next time this beast of a training specimen has a break between his rounds of kipping pull-ups or tabata sets of kettle bell swings over head, I suggest you pick his brain and finally get some actual results out of your training instead of cheating your way through life. [/quote]

And what’s with all these pussy wannabes squatting in Earth’s weak-sauce gravitational field? All you bitches that don’t lift on the surface of Jupiter (~2.5x gravitational pull of Earth) are just fucking cheaters!

[quote]alocubano1110 wrote:
Lifter at my gym asked why I used clips even on my warm up set of bench. I think it’s just a habit of mine. Plus, it’s one less thing to worry about. It’s not like I need clips but it’s safer to lift with them.

But this jackass went as far as saying that it’s the same as using a smith machine because the clips are stablizing the weight for you or something like that.

Do you lift with clips?(bench,squat, deadlift, etc)[/quote]

Why in god’s name are you talking to people at the gym?

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:

[quote]alocubano1110 wrote:
Lifter at my gym asked why I used clips even on my warm up set of bench. I think it’s just a habit of mine. Plus, it’s one less thing to worry about. It’s not like I need clips but it’s safer to lift with them.

But this jackass went as far as saying that it’s the same as using a smith machine because the clips are stablizing the weight for you or something like that.

Do you lift with clips?(bench,squat, deadlift, etc)[/quote]

Why in god’s name are you talking to people at the gym?[/quote]

To be fair, clip guy talked to him. He never said he responded to clip guy. Maybe he silently stabbed him with a clip.

[quote]TheTexican wrote:
Yes, good point. I suggest we all just pile fat chicks on our backs and see what our 5RM is with two fat chicks stacked up. [/quote]

progression would be difficult. youd have to force feed them to gain wait. or find new bitches every once in awhile.

edit: oops, im gonna leave my original comment cause the misspelling is funny to me… weight*

Collars are better than clips, they have more of an impact when thrown at people.