Hello Tnation, I’m a long time prowler, new poster I searched this topic and found a few threads on it, but I wanted to share my experience with you all, and anyone who might think they have it.
First off, I’m 23 years old, almost 24. Been lifting since I was 16, but seriously lifting for about 3 years, maybe 4. About two years ago, I starting noticing a sharp pain in my left shoulder when I bench pressed.
Since I had never had any previous injuries, I thought it was overtraining and cooled it on bench for a couple of weeks. I resumed full throttle, noticed the pain immediately, and from there it only got worse. I then started noticing it in dips, which I ended up fully removing from my routine, all variations of bench/flys (even DB supinated), front lateral raises, then finally in shoulder press (all forms).
The first year I noticed the symptoms, I worked through it like any bull headed 20something year old (with the help of cortisone shots). My doc said if I cut out the lifts that made it hurt, I’d heal up and be fine, but seriously? Cut out all chest and shoulder work forever? When your major is Kinesiology, and athletic training is your goal, you don’t want to give up your own physical goals, especially when your self identity is in weightlifting and you enjoy anything that relates to it! I enjoy just READING about routines, I’d rather do that then watch tv
Recently, about 4 months ago is when my shoulder started to hurt from shoulder pressing. At one time, I prided myself in my heavy bench (heavy to me, 315). Since I had removed heavy bench for months from my routine, I’ve had to switch to heavy military press. When I was at my heaviest, I was 260lbs and was able to get 1 strict mil press @225lbs. I could also rep the 120s. I was really proud, and that’s exactly when it caught up to me! The pain presented itself in a whole new light, and was quick to reach the 8-9 on a 1-10 scale. I went to see my ortho and he said its time to opt for surgery.
Ok, for those who want to know if you have Osteolysis, the pain is present when doing any chest work, main flat/incline, flies, dips. The pain is located on the front of the shoulder (AC joint to be exact). Here is a link with all the details:
NOTE: That site, as well as others, are misleading. Some state you can return to overhead activities within 4-6 weeks. This is false! Also, full ROM will return in 1 week - FALSE. I’ve spoken to 2 ortho surgeons, both told me I can expect to return to LIGHT overhead activities withing 3 months! Very different. Also, I’ve had 2 P/Ts and they both told me the same, 3 months.
I had my surgery on June 6th, pain wasn’t that bad. They gave me hydros, I basically slept the whole first week. They shaved off 5mm of my clavicle, cleaned up my bursitis that I had from it (loud popping, pain etc.), shaved the end of my acromion, and removed 2 bone spurs. Can you believe that? 2 bone spurs and bursitis all from this stupid osteolysis!
Week 2 I was introduced to PT, basic ROM exercises. Last week, more advanced ROM exercises, less and less pain. I would say I’m at 30% ROM, and my PT says I’m right on track. My current PT told me he has literally hundreds of patients with my surgery a year, seeing as how this problem is growing at a crazy pace, so that whole 100% rom in the first week is bulllll!
The past 2 weeks I’ve been doing legs basically every other day, really showing them some love, and doing around 2-3 hours of cardio a day to cut, while keeping my protein intake as high as I can. Today will be my first day back doing light arms I haven’t been okay’d by my PT, but I’ll be taking it extremely easy. If the pain shoots up with the 15 lbers, I’m calling it, but I really don’t think that’ll happen.
At first, I was super freaked out about getting the surgery, but now that I had it, I really look forward to the future. Painless shoulder and chest work? Sign me up!
NOTE: My surgeon said only about 10% of his patients see this in the other shoulder, requiring another surgery. Since I’m a weightlifter, who focuses on strength rather than hypertrophy, I’d say my % chance is a little higher… Seeing as how I already have bursitis in my other shoulder now. I’ve thought about switching to hypertrophy only in bench/shoulder work, we’ll see
Also, this surgery didn’t leave any visible oddities such as a drooping shoulder or anything, other than 4 soon to be small scars from the orthoscopes.
Ask questions, comments, etc., like I said, the main point of this thread is to share my experience and eventually my full recovery