Disappointed with Bench in Beyond 5/3/1


I am in my 3rd week of Beyond 5/3/1 with Joker sets up to 120% of my TM (if I am up for it) and down sets 5x8 (5x3 for Dead) at 75% of my TM.

This week I only managed to set lifetime PRs in 3 of the big 4. Nothing in Bench though it is coming.

There is obviously a flaw in your program writing, where is my bench PR?

Deload next week, if I don’t PR in bench in the next cycle I am going to program hop to Stonglifts.


So you hit lifetime PR’s in the same week in 3 of your main lifts and you think the program is flawed because you didn’t PR in bench to?

Nothing wrong with 5/3/1. Most of the time it is the programmers fault not Jim’s. Since you are doing jokers how low did you set your TM? Are you eating like a motherfucker? When you are not looking forwards to the next meal or shake that’s when you are eating enough.

Are you doing too much bullshit after the bench or on other days? I would reset the bench TM by 85%, eliminate all other BS from the session and only concentrate on the bench. The Beyond programming IS your accessories and is built in.

Lastly the bench is and can be a bitch to get to climb. Sometimes it just takes a while as not everything is going to gain the same from cycle to cycle.

Pretty sure that’s a troll account

[quote]StuartB wrote:

There is obviously a flaw in your program writing, where is my bench PR?

Troll job < blow job

Come on…

assuming this is a real account

maybe back off the joker sets a little and focus more on producing force with some speed on yoru singles, rest more and try to look for your weakness.

5/3/1 is good for bench, provided you know how to program, and how to eat.

[quote]StuartB wrote:

This week I only managed to set lifetime PRs in 3 of the big 4. Nothing in Bench though it is coming.

There is obviously a flaw in your program writing, where is my bench PR?


Fuck guys, I was taking the P155.

Could not be more happy with the program (well actually I could be when the bench PR comes).

I thought it was obvious…

All bow before Jim.

I thought it was well played Stuart.