5/3/1 and Beyond 5/3/1 Difference?

I just ordered Beyond 5/3/1 cant what tell it gets here. I just finished my first 4 weeks of 5/3/1 and am in deload this week. This is the hardest thing I have ever done seens I started training. Deload sucks but I know Jim wouldnt have you do it if it wasnt necessary. Mike

Jim has some new deload parameters in Beyond which makes the deload suck less.

Ya know what I mean by suck. It feels like I am not really training as hard as I should. Just have to keep telling my self it will get better. i know that I started light on all my lifts. Like my bench I started at 250 just to be safe I have benched alot more. I did do something I had never done before I got a few PR’s that i’m proud of 225 for 11reps and 240 for 7reps never done that before. Mike