Beyond Program

Hi Jim. I have read Beyond part once more and let me be sure about something. There is no 5x5, 3x3 and 5/3/1 weeks but 6 options (7 with deload) with percentages (Joker sets, Down sets, etc.) and I have to choose best for me and continue it for 3 weeks (4 if I have to deload), and then add 10 lbs for squat / deadlift and 5 lbs for press / bench press. I am right?

It’s a bit more complicated than that - its 100% auto regulated and hardly any need to fuck with TM

I understand it’s about auto regulation and my workout should be done as I feel that day. Anyway as you wrote in your book there’s no 5’s, 3’s and 5/3/1 weeks but always based on percentages which are based on my TM (I mean 36 page if I write it too complicated, my english isn’t very good), yes?

Can someone help me? I need be sure about that because I want to start training Beyond version after my 3 Month Challenge.

Yes you are correct

[quote]RAWRER wrote:
I have to choose best for me and continue it for 3 weeks (4 if I have to deload), and then add 10 lbs for squat / deadlift and 5 lbs for press / bench press. I am right?[/quote]

You don’t choose what’s best for you for a period of time. You choose an option that day based on how you feel. Do you just work towards a TM, rep PR the TM, do Joker Sets, 1RM, down sets, etc? You make a decision on-the-fly basically. There’s a lot to consider there. I don’t think it’s overly complicated but you have to be more in-touch with your training plan, goals, and your body.

If you’ve read the section then you should know there’s no 5/5/5+, 3/3/3+, or 5/3/1+ type sets. Jim even said that it basically has nothing to do with 5/3/1, it’s its own animal. I re-read the section a couple times before I got it too.

Thanks for answers.