Dip Belt Suggestions?

I would like some suggestions from people about what dip belt I should get? I broke mine this summer and haven’t replaced it yet but I am looking to get a new one soon. I’d prefer to buy one for under $50, any suggestions are welcome.

I almost bought one from EFS, but figured I could save a few bucks and get one from ATP. This one: www.prowriststraps.com/inc/sdetail/15467

It’s comfortable, lightweight, and will fit into any backpack (along with my food for the day). Its $25 and high quality so you can’t really beat it…at least in that price range.

that’s perfect bro thanks.

I found out about the one from Ironmind using the search function on this site.


I have been very happy with the purchase so far.

I find that simple 1" webbing from rona is a good belt and will hold an infinite number of pounds. It is what the ironmind belt uses.

So unless you get off on ghetto go for the ironmind one. Although it is not as conducive for chins becuase I find that the plates bash around your sperm barracks and love wand.


I just got the SpudInc Dip-Belt. It works, is comfortable, and is yellow!