So recently I’ve been getting into Oly Lifting. But I noticed something yesterday while watching a lot of videos online.
Different lifters from different countries say different things and seem to be using different techniques!
-Russians seem to push the bar into the hip area using the arms and slide their feet instead of jumping really high.
-Chinese seem to initiate more hip contact (hump the bar).
-Americans seem to do more of a “shrug” at the top.
Now this could just be my beginner eyes playing tricks on me, but do any of you more experienced lifters agree with this?
For example when I’m snatching, I don’t “pull” with my traps. I literally push the bar into my hip and let my elbows shoot up my sides, and once the bar is right about my sternum, I drop and extend my arms and stand up. Now, I for sure feel it in my traps during that pull, but I would say they are “loose” in a way.
I’m only asking this because the way I’m teaching myself these lifts is by watching elite lifters and trying to mimic their form. I can slow down the video so I can watch them frame by frame. Now I know different body types will alter the form a bit but I want to make sure I’m doing things the right way. Personally I watch a lot of Russian lifters.