Diet & Training For Me?

Hi I plan to do the T-Dawg diet and workouts like ‘ripped rugged and dense’ and ‘meltdown training’. Would this be suitable for me as I want to just lose fat and tone up a little, i dont want to be a bodybuilder or get really big. I also plan to use HOT-ROX, will these three things (diet, workout and HOT-ROX) help me to my goal?


[quote]jthaill wrote:
Hi I plan to do the T-Dawg diet and workouts like ‘ripped rugged and dense’ and ‘meltdown training’. Would this be suitable for me as I want to just lose fat and tone up a little, i dont want to be a bodybuilder or get really big. I also plan to use HOT-ROX, will these three things (diet, workout and HOT-ROX) help me to my goal?


If you are not like 6’0, 140 with no muscle and just a little flab-mostly a function of no muscle-yes. It’s appropriate if you actually have some solid muscle and appreciable bodyfat. If not, you should doing something like Berardi’s Don’t Diet and lifting intensely to add some muscle and leaning out a little in the process.

Im 6’ and about 200lbs, ive mostly go t fat around my gut love handles maybe around my face.

which one would you say i do?

im quite a big build (broad shoulder and big thighs) so i would like to tone up but not get stupidly big. -basically look good naked!! haha

[quote]jsbrook wrote:
If you are not like 6’0, 140 with no muscle and just a little flab-mostly a function of no muscle-yes. It’s appropriate if you actually have some solid muscle and appreciable bodyfat. If not, you should doing something like Berardi’s Don’t Diet and lifting intensely to add some muscle and leaning out a little in the process.

He’s “Im 25 and weigh 14.5 stone (200lbs, im 6ft and quite a big build, the fat is mainly on my gut not massive but enough to make want to do something about it.”

[quote]PGA200X wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
If you are not like 6’0, 140 with no muscle and just a little flab-mostly a function of no muscle-yes. It’s appropriate if you actually have some solid muscle and appreciable bodyfat. If not, you should doing something like Berardi’s Don’t Diet and lifting intensely to add some muscle and leaning out a little in the process.

He’s “Im 25 and weigh 14.5 stone (200lbs, im 6ft and quite a big build, the fat is mainly on my gut not massive but enough to make want to do something about it.”[/quote]

Yeah. I saw. Well, you’re not scrawny. Some here would say so, but I think you carry enough muscle on your frame to focus on fat loss if that is what you want. I think a stint of the T-Dawg diet paired with intense training would be fine. Reevaluate after a couple weeks. See how the fat loss has gone, and decide if you want to actively work on adding muscle.

nice one, cheers