Did I Tear My Calf?!

Hey so I’ve been going kind of crazy on the calf raises recently. I was feeling pretty sore yesterday, and I did a couple sets of calf raises still. Later that same day I decided to stretch my calfs out before going to bed, and I did the stretch where you put the ball of your foot on a dumbell and lean forward to stretch the calf. I think I I pushed the left one a bit too far because I felt like this weird, super low, level burning-ish sensation after.

Today my tops of the calfs are super sore (especially the left) and maybe I’m just imagining it but I’m worrying that I tore something. I have this weird mark (almost like a bruise or something on the left calf towards the top where it connects to the back of knee joint). It doesn’t really appear on photo but I’ve tried my best take photos

Does anyone know if I’m overreacting or if there really is something here?

Yeah, with that bruising and what you’re describing, it looks like you tore something.

Thankfully, it looks like you only tore 1 single muscle fiber or some fascia.

If you can walk, I wouldn’t worry about it.