Alright, I’ve taken 11 days off to hopefully recover from what I think might’ve been CNS fatigue. Meet be at the 2nd weekend of October. I’m currently 18 weeks out. Had a training session today and my god, it felt absolutely horrible. Basically, I did 85% of my training max(90% of my actual max) and it just felt ridiculously heavy.
Maybe it might just be a bad workout but this isn’t the first time I’ve encountered something like this, the last time I took a full week off, it took me around 2-3 weeks before the movements felt “not weird”. As of right now, I just feel off groove, as if I’m learning the movements for the first time, all over again. Stats before my break were a 150kgs squat, 92.5kgs bench, 152.5kgs deadlift.
As for the meet aspect of this forum post, I’m planning to use the first 6 weeks to get back into the groove of things and run a smolov squat cycle to peak my squat for the meet. Running a smolov squat cycle cause I’m hoping to break the squat record for either my weight class or the one above it. National records for u74 sub-junior at 165kgs squat, 100.5kgs bench, 225kgs deadlift. Records for u83 junior be at 170kgs squat, 115kgs bench, 212.5kgs deadlift.
As of right now, I can say that I am planning to mostly neglect my deadlift to get the squat/bench record. Would it be ridiculous for me to bulk up to u83 in 18 weeks since the squat records between the two weight classes is just 5kg apart? I’m currently around 75kgs.
TLDR: Weak after 2 weeks off. Meet in 18 weeks. Planning to run smolov(12 weeks) after 6 weeks of re-familiarization with the movement. 75kgs as of right now, should I bulk to u83?