Damn, that’s a lotta advice. Thanks guys. I’m asking bout the knee sleeves cause well, mine is really freaking. It’s one size smaller than the “tight fit” listed on the SBD’s sizing guide. I need to have socks on otherwise I can’t even get it on, haha. Socks and a plastic bag to reduce friction so I don’t have some rope burn effects of sorts on my fingers. I feel like I get anywhere from 15lbs - 25lbs with my knee sleeves. That being said, I can’t put it on unless I’ve socks and even then, its a pain in the ass. My 1rm without belt is the equivalent of my 3rm with belt so that’s quite a bit of difference I guess. You guys have almost dissuaded me from running my Smolov “hail mary” type program. One last thing though, what if I ran it with 90% of my max? Would that be more reasonable? After all, I ain’t “supplementing” like them Russian oly lifters.
[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:
OP, I’ll be blunt with this: running a super-compensation program that will leave you little room for volume progression later on is rash. And junior records are really only a reflection of how long someone has been lifting. Worrying about a record like that when the open record in your weight class is nearly twice it doesn’t seem very productive to me, and you’ll get a lot stronger in the long run focusing on the latter.[/quote]
Thanks, I kinda needed that. To be honest, I’m doing it partly for my ego. Let’s just say that no one has ever believed in me. I saw breaking the records as my chance to look at them and pretty much say “suck it bitch”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m doing it for myself too. Doing it to prove to myself that I’m capable of getting shit done despite my not as well off circumstances(me ass be broke). Believe it or not, I would say powerlifting is a pretty… It’s not a cheap sport in my country. Most of my competitors, they’re basically people born with silver spoons up their asses. In my mind, it was something along the lines of. I’ve less resources given to aid me but I’m still gonna beat your ass simply because I’m better. Yeah, I sound a little psychopathic huh.