I usually work out with singles close to my 1rm and experience a decrease in strength the next time I work out after a night of heavy drinking. I was wondering if anybody could explain the mechanisms of how this happens…
How bout you just stop fuckin doing that?
I don’t know but I do know that I’ve hit PRs the next day after a night of drinking and I’ve had horrible lifting/throwing numbers the day after a night of drinking.
Tube Steak Boogie
Without being technical, think about it. Usually a night full of booze is going to have a lack of food and dehydration. So, obviously getting wasted isn’t going to help your performance in the gym.
For #1 your not recovered yet, your CNS anbd the body.
#2 you just had a shit ton of poison running through you, your dehydrated from the alcohol, prob up late and horrid sleep as well alcohol inhibits deep sleep.
your body can’t store alcohol because it’s too toxic, which menans to get rid of it it has to use it as fuel. Your body prefers combinations of carbs and fat as fuel so you will not perform ANYTHING very well until the alcohol has been burned off. The more you drink the longer it takes to burn…
alcohol prevents REM sleep, decreases Test production, plus you prob dont feel to great the day after heavy drinking so cal intake may be low, and most cals from the night before came from booze, these factors would likely result in a decreased 1rm. maybe wait an extra day between drinking and max effort work or do it later in the day so you can make sure your body has been able to repaor itself somewhat. my big drinking night is usually saturday, sunday is off from lifting, then i get back at it on monday.
[quote]allNatural wrote:
How bout you just stop fuckin doing that?[/quote]
I would second that.
[quote]allNatural wrote:
How bout you just stop fuckin doing that?[/quote]
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha that made my day!
[quote]CellarDweller wrote:
I usually work out with singles close to my 1rm and experience a decrease in strength the next time I work out after a night of heavy drinking. I was wondering if anybody could explain the mechanisms of how this happens… [/quote]
Well, duh… after a heavy night of drinking I am weaker. Does this need to be explained?
[quote]CellarDweller wrote:
I usually work out with singles close to my 1rm and experience a decrease in strength the next time I work out after a night of heavy drinking. I was wondering if anybody could explain the mechanisms of how this happens… [/quote]
Whoever said there is no such thing as a stupid question has never spend any time in the T-mag forum.
I was thinking maybe someone can provide a detailed mechanism of action; have yet to see that. Great job, guys!
I learned this from Gojira.
Ethanol oxidizes to form Ethyl Aldehyde which osidzes to form Acetic Acid. This is the acid in Vinegar. This lowers your blood pH.
Also, Alcohol has CNS effects that last 12-24 hours. The next day, you have actually had a rebound stimulatory effect for several hours which means poor sleep, and you are burned out.
And likely dehydration.
Try Maxing when you are really drunk rather than the day after. Especially benching without a spotter.
[quote]CellarDweller wrote:
I was thinking maybe someone can provide a detailed mechanism of action; have yet to see that. Great job, guys![/quote]
You don’t really care about getting stronger or else you would have given up getting hammered before ME days, regardless of the physiological discussion. Were you really expecting a scholarly answer?