Decimation Food Log

My wife and I ate dieting together now. She is batch cooking tonight.


This is great!! I wish both of you success!!
You know we are all here should you need anything.

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Thank you . I have already learned a lot from you guys. I just need to apply it consistently.

I did buy more protein bars for work though . Optimum nutrition ones low sugar about 20 g protein.

Will hit a lower body session in the morning before work. Just an easy one though.

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Yea 100% this - @decimation Iā€™m sure you donā€™t need this advice but just in case, donā€™t give any criticism of your wifeā€™s diet unless she directly asks for it, and even then make sure you couch it gently. On the flip side, even if she falls off the wagon, make sure you donā€™t, give her a strong but silent example.


good advice thanks. I will bear it in mind. We bought a new scales ( Bluetooth with an app ) from a major online retailer. Yeah Iā€™m sure we will both fall off the bandwagon at some point.

The yogurt is nice btw .

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That looks very similar to my meals for today.

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Lost about 2 kg 18 stone 1

Had a reasonably good week.

Did 3 X 10 goblet squats at 54 kg 2 mins rest interval. Quads felt it , as I have not squatted in a while.

Got a new twister which I cannot close yet. ( only with standing on a judo belt) It will take at least one year to bend it suppinated and another to hopefully bend the level above (110 gold Haoying)
Haoying red 90 kg is probably around 105kg closed for real. It is the start that makes the difference though. There is an easier 90 red model with smooth handles.
It is very much harder than the model I can close for 2 reps the Haoying 100 gold. Wire thickness is the same but the red is made from harder steel alloy than the gold both German steel not Chinese steelā€¦
The heavier models are mostly for braced bending ( which I donā€™t enjoy).

Obviously I plan to do this naturally albeit with creatine , protein powder and an assortment of legal supplements fish oil etc.

I have around 11 Powertwisters in total now.

I am doing a high rep program to build tendon strength and endurance. Itā€™s working but my high end strength is down a little. ( for the kink / start )
Unfortunately I did strain my wrist slightly in a high rep workout by doing close grip work. It will be ok in a week.

We ate the meals my wife made. I actively cut down on the carbs. A bit less fruit too.

Downside still ate some biscuits on one or two days . Normally the bad food is at my mumā€™s.
We donā€™t buy biscuits or even chocolate now . Not even dark chocolate.

Those Aldi greek yoghurts with pink lids are nice . Only had 2 though this week. Weekend is still ongoing of course.


What a great update, really awesome to see that food prep, and it works, youā€™ve already seen the results! Keep up the good work, ingrain it as a habit, whenever you feel yourself tempted to regress to past behaviours, pull yourself up and say no, that is not who I am, I am someone who eats right all the time.

I found that telling myself that I am someone who does X and forcing myself to take that action eventually just makes it natural, Iā€™ve genuinely become someone who always just does (or doesnā€™t if thatā€™s needed) do X.


Quads in agony today from the squats.

Lats also very sore from the new Powertwister


I heard a great quote on a podcast recently. ā€œDonā€™t ask ā€˜what do I need to doā€™, ask ā€˜who do I need to becomeā€™.ā€


Trained Powertwister for endurance yesterday
100 Ihuniu seated 19, 18 ,18 , 17 , 17

wrist curls up 26 X 5

today dumbbell
wrist curls up to 26 X 5 good reps
multiple sets 8 , 10 , 22 , 24 , 26
up to 10 reps for 22kg

bench dB flat 10s , 30 , 40 X 10 horizontal press

but sore from yesterday

goblet squats 1 set paused 50 kg X 10

plus warm up sets failed second 50kg due to fatigue.

working later so wonā€™t push it.

diet going well. should add more veg though


Sunday traininv day

weight 18 stone 1 nearly 115 kg.

powertwister 22 reps 100 ihuniu Standing
seated 16
, 17, 14 fail

wrists curls
10, 20 22, 24 , 26 X 10 30 X 10 36 X 1 r
28 5 l 28 7 wrist cocked right

bicep curls

dB bench flat 30, 40x 10 , 44 X 8 tired


Gym today
lower body will start more seriously next week
trap bar
80 X 10

130 X 10
180 X 5 grip failed should have used straps
230 X 1
250 X 1 added belt
260 failed

need to program better.

did 2 days in a row out of convenience

Diet going ok
small fibre bar low sugar
got diabetic bloods taken etc
cooked breakfast.
plus protein waffle 3 eggs 1 scoop 30 g protein shake plus bowl of berries

taking supplements still.

mashed potato mashed swede and two skinny burgers


Didnā€™t you get 5/3/1 Forever for Christmas?

no unfortunately.

That is most unfortunate. However, taking the base percentages laid out in the article you have is still much better programming than what youā€™re currently doing. Or, really, using any of the many free programs available on the site here would do well.

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Did 20 mins stationary bike varied difficulty.
Need a padded seat for comfort lol.

Will add nice in daily.

Did 13k steps . Definitely more really watch doesnā€™t count dragging metal cages/carts



slept close to 8 hours

small bowl of rice chicken and vegetables plus mushrooms.

brief cardio

5 mins ski machine to warm up

10 mins airdyne moderate