Will be attempting to cut but want to keep my strength gains… so will try to lift heavy at least at the start of every session.
Here are some stats
Height: 5,8"
Age: 25
Weight: 80kg/176lbs
waist: 34" Body fat: 18%
Squat 1RM: 150kg/330lbs, Bench 1RM: 135kg/297lbs, Dead 1RM: 180kg/396lbs
Meal 1: Scrambled egg (3 eggs), Green Tea, Protein shake, 3gram fish oils
Meal 2:Creatin drink +Protein shake
Morning training
Back squat: 100kg 1x6,
140kg 1x2
145kg 1x2
150kg 1x1
Box squat: 100kg 1x3
120kg 2x3
130kg 1x1
Leg extension: 100kg 3x6
Single leg press: 50kg 1x6,
60kg 3x5,
Leg press: 150kg 3x4
Calf work…
Meal 3: Protein shake and Oats, cod liver oil 3grams, amino acid sup
P.M training
Bench: 100kg 1x4
120kg 1x2, 132.5kg: 1x1
Incline db press with rotation: 26kg 3x4-6
Cable fly: 26.25kg 3 x6
Fly machine: 90kg 3x5
weighted Dips: 40kg 3x4
Negative dips: 60kg 3x3
Tricep skull crushers: 30kg 3x6
Overhead Tricep ext: 22kg 3x4-7
Overhead Tricep ext: 28kg 4x6-9
Meal 4: Bacon sandwich, apple, protein shake
Meal 5: Cottage cheese, green tea
Meal 6: protein shake
Total calories: 1,850
Meal 1: Protein shake with oats
Meal 2: 3 eggs boiled with 2 slices of toast. Green Tea
Meal 3: Broccoli with chickpeas. Creatine with juice
Wide grip pull up
b/w 1x8
20kg 1x3
30kg 1x3
40kg 2x2
Neutral grip pull up
40kg 2x3
Bent over barbell rows
110kg 4x3
lat pull down
83kg 3x8-10
Cable Rows
E-z bar curls
17.5kg 3x4-5
Db curls
20kg 3x10
Meal 4: Egg sandwich and protein shake
Meal 5: cod fillet 1 toast, apple green tea
Meal 6: Protein Shake
Cals: 1,900
Meal 1: Protein shake with oats, two eggs scrambled. 2x toast.
Mixed cardio 30 mins.
Meal 2: Tuna sandwich green tea + apple
Meal 3: Protein shake
Meal 4: Vegtable soup + toast
Meal 5: tuna salad
Cals: 1,800
20 mins cardio
Meal 1: 3 eggs scrambled and 1 toast
Meal 2: Oats and protein shake
Military press
60kg 1x3 65kg 3x3
Seated Arnold press
34kg 3x5
Shoulder flys:
14kg 4x6-8
Weighted Dips:
20kg 4x4-7
Overhead Tricep ext:
22kg 3x5
Narrow grip bench:
60kg 3x8-10
Meal 3: Egg sandwich + protein shake
Meal4: Protein shake + fruit(mixed berries)
Meal 5: cottage cheese
Cals: 1,600
cardio 15 mins
Meal 1: 2 boiled eggs, 1 grilled cod fillet + Salad
Meal 2: Protein shake with oats
60kg 1x3
70kg 1x3
80kg 1x2
90kg 1x1
120 1x2
150 1x2
160 1x2
170 1x1
Front squat:
60kg 1x3
80kg 1x3
90kg 1x3
100kg 1x1
Leg raises:
Turkish get up
22kg 3x2
Ab crunch machine:
20kg 3x8
Sit ups
Meal 3: yogurt plain, apple, protein shake
Meal 4: Protein shake with brewers yeast and 30g berries
Meal 5: Protein shake
Cals: 1,450
Meal 1: cod fillet, 2 boiled eggs, chickpeas, asparagus, broccoli.
Meal 2: Protein shake with oats
Cleans: 50kg 3x3 60kg 1x1
Hang Cleans:50kg 2x3
Weighted wide grip pull ups: 20kg 3x6
Lat pull down: 75kg 3x10
Neutral grip: 80kg 2x8
Barbell bent over rows: 70kg 3x10
Dumbbell rows: 50kg 2x3
E-z bar curls: 17.5kg each side 3x3 20kg 1x1
Preacher db curls: 14kg 3x6
Preacher cable curls: 25kg 3x4
narrow grip lat pulldown for biceps: 95kg 1x2 105kg1x3 115kg 1x2
Meal 3: protein shake with oats
Meal 4: beans and mackerel
Meal 5: cottage cheese
Meal 1: Special k, Muller rice
A.M Training:
Leg raises: 3x5
Back squat: 100kg 1x3
120kg 1x2, 130kg 1x1, 142.5 1x1
Front Squat: 100kg 1x2, 110kg 1x2, 112.5 1x1
Single leg press:
45kg each side 3x5
Normal leg press
110kg 4x4
Calf work
Ab work
Meal 2: 2 eggs scrambled, toast, protein shake
60kg 1x1, 100kg 1x2, 120 1x2, 135 1x1
Db Bench with rotation:
44kg 3x5
Cable flys:
28kg 3x3
Close grip bench:
60kg 3x6
Tricep ext:
22kg 3 x 5
Meal 3: Egg (one), toast, baked beans
Meal 4: Protein shake
Meal 5: Protein shake + cottage cheese
Nice work man. Out of curiosity, how do you feel on such low cals? Has your energy felt low?
[quote]kaisermetal wrote:
nice traps.[/quote]
Thanks… I have never trained them directly.
[quote]ethanwest wrote:
Nice work man. Out of curiosity, how do you feel on such low cals? Has your energy felt low? [/quote]
At the moment I am not feeling that tired. The hardest part so far is not eating junk food, drinking wen out with friends… and trying not to cave in to my constant craving of cinema popcorn.
Meal 1: 2 eggs fried, 150g baked beans, Asparagus, 1 toast
Meal 2: Pasta, Protein shake with mixed berries
Light circuit training.
Meal 3: Bacon sandwich, banana, green tea, 3 small pieces of dark chocolate
Wide grip weighted pull ups
20kg 1x3,
40kg 3x3
Neutral grip
40kg 2x3
Bent over barbell row:
100kg 1x3,
115kg 2x3
T-bar rows
60kg 4x6
db row
50kg 2x5
Lat pull downs:
100kg 3x2
E-z bar curls
20kg each side: 2x3, 1x2
Preacher db curls:
16kg 3x5
bicep lat pull downs
95 1x3, 100 1x3, 115 1x1
Meal 4: cottage cheese, 1 egg boiled, protein shake
cals: 1,900
Meal 1: 3 eggs + toast
Cardio circuit training
Meal 2: Chicken sandwich, protein shake
Meal 3: Cottage cheese 1x toast
Meal 4: Protein shake
Cals: 1,400
Morning Cardio
Meal 1: Tuna & cucumber sandwich, apple, orange juice
Meal 2: Egg sandwich
Power Cleans
50kg 2x3
60kg 1x3
80kg 1x1
90kg 1x1
100kg 1x3
120kg 1x2
150kg 1x2
170kg 1x1
180kg 1x1
Front squats
70kg 2x3
90kg 1x1
110kg 3x1
Ab work comprising of leg raises and crunches
Meal 3: Protein shake with oats & berries. Green salad with 2 boiled eggs (no oil/dressing).
meal 4: Cottage cheese. 1x toast
Meal 5: cottage cheese
Cals: 1,600
Meal 1: Eggs (2 fried), broccoli, asparagus, spinach + green tea
Meal 2: 1.5 boiled egg, salad
Very poor upper back workout (decided my body had not recovered properly and quit half way)
Meal 3: Fish soup
Meal 3: protein shake
Went out and had 3 Vodkas with diet coke… hah couldn’t say no
Meal 4: Cottage cheese + broccoli
What is your goal for the cut? A specific BW or just when you feel your bf lowered enough?
[quote]lcsilva wrote:
What is your goal for the cut? A specific BW or just when you feel your bf lowered enough?[/quote]
Originally my aim was to achieve 10% body fat… but I have had my body fat measured today in Boots Pharmacy. I doubt it is all that accurate but it says I am at 13.5% body fat. I have gained a little definition in my stomach area but there is still a long way to go. I will keep up my cut until I feel I have sufficient muscular definition… So at the moment I am playing it by eye.
Hah also I thought it was quite funny as it says my body fat % is excellent but according to my B.M.I I am overweight. B.M.I is such utter bull!!
Meal 1: 2 boiled eggs, steamed green veg
Cardio = circuit training
Meal 2: Protein shake with berries + banana
Meal 3: Fish soup with added veg + 30g pasta
Meal 4: Protein shake + 1 toast+ green tea
Cals: 1,800
Back squat
100kg 1x3
120kg 1x1
130kg 1x1
140kg 5x1
Front squat
60kg 1x1, 100kg 1x1, 125kg 1x1
Box squat
125 2x2
Single leg press
45kg each side 2x5
Leg ext
100kg 3x8-10
leg press
130kg 2x5
Calf and Ab work
Diet: hah was very bad… I ended up going out and drinking a little… my cals were prob acceptable but not my intake macros.