So I was watching a program the history channel aired about 2012 and the cataclysmic impending doom we are are supposed to face on December 20th 2012.
I’m usually a skeptic when it comes to all the predictions made by people like Nostradamus. According to them the world should have ended a half a dozen times already.
Supposedly however, 2012 has been foreseen by various cultures across the world. They all seem to think that something major is going to happen on Dec. 20 2012. These cultures include: the Hopi Indians, The Mayans, the Chinese E-Ching, the Hindus. It even talked about this guy who went out to find some kind of drug that would “open” human potential and allow him to forsee the future. He created some kind of web graph that also pointed to our time ending in 2012.
If the world ends in 2012, then so be it. There isn’t anything you can really do anyways. In fact I think it would be kind of cool to “see” this happen. By that I mean is, be the ones who witness the end of mankind. Heck it would mean that people can really predict the future!
My roommates doing a report on the supposed 2012 apocalypse. He says that all the information he has found doesnt support an world devastation. Supposedly it it marks a “new period” in some translations(not destruction), but who knows what that means. Yes, not very descriptive answer, but thats what ive picked up about him talking about it. All i know is December 2012 is going to mass chaos, with as many people believing these predictions theyre gonna be doin some crazy shit
I think the Mayans were the ones who believed that this period marked the beginning of a period of Enlightenment , or some sort of Renaissance if you will.
I wonder what the Government is doing in preparation for the possibility of riots and such.
I do know they have this “ice fortress” on an island somewhere North of Europe. They are supposedly collecting the best seeds of all the major/important crops that are vital to mankind. This ice fortress is thought be able to withstand just about anything.
There’s actually something cosmic that is supposed to happen, some sort of super alignment that is supposed to cause a polar shift, which is what they think happened to the dinosaurs. So, the world as we know it will end and then a new period will start. shrug But, who really knows. We will have to wait until then.
[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
The first mistake you made was taking anything on the history channel seriously.[/quote]
Well it was interesting to watch. I assume that the History channel is a somewhat “trustworthy” or reliable channel. I mean they do televise a lot of credible information. Point taken though, its just something fun to think about
Definitely an interesting topic. Who knows whats gonna happen. No worries here tho, rather focus on what im gonna eat in 2 hours and how much ill weigh by 2012 hah
IMO i think 2012 is just a big rumor. Someone took something open ended from some archaelogical statements (i.e, the mayan calander cycle ending) and blew it way out of proportion. It’s just human nature. The reason it won’t die is because people just believe anything they hear or read and don’t check their sources, and 2) because IT SELLS!! This 2012 apocolypse theory and idea has made so much money for so many people its ridiculous, and its only 2009!
[quote]Mr.Martian wrote:
Uncle Gabby wrote:
The first mistake you made was taking anything on the history channel seriously.
Well it was interesting to watch. I assume that the History channel is a somewhat “trustworthy” or reliable channel. I mean they do televise a lot of credible information. Point taken though, its just something fun to think about[/quote]
The history channel fucks up a lot of stuff and thier emphasis is on entertainment, not information. If you want to see a good show about the paranormal, check out an old episode of “Arthur C. Clark’s Mysteries of the Unknown.” It approached subjects like the Loch Ness Monster and the Bermuda Triangle from a reasonable, scientific point of view. The true believers got to make their case, then the scientists examined the evidence and came to a conclusion. “This photograph was faked” “This ‘UFO’ sighting happened near an Air Force Base, and was probably a jet coming in for landing.” Pretty much everytime the “evidence” was weak and easily de-bunked.
These new shows are made by the people who really really want to believe in say, big-foot, and these “big foot experts” are presented as credible researchers, when in fact, they are probably a gas-station attendant in real life.
[quote]Mr.Martian wrote:
Uncle Gabby wrote:
The first mistake you made was taking anything on the history channel seriously.
Well it was interesting to watch. I assume that the History channel is a somewhat “trustworthy” or reliable channel. I mean they do televise a lot of credible information. Point taken though, its just something fun to think about[/quote]
They’re only credible as long as they keep to history. Every time the delve off in to UFOs, legendary monster hunters, Kennedy’s assassination, and nostradomus they jump right off the deep end into conspiracy nut.
I read somewhere that the Solar system crosses the plane of the galactic ecliptic that day. That’s all the Mayans were counting down to. I don’t know if that’s actually true or not.
The Mayans had a lot of other intersecting cycles as part of their calendar. It’s certainly possible that they were in tune with other mysteries and perhaps social cycles of human history too. Who knows? (other than the 33rd degree Freemasons, of course.)
If memory serves, and it often does not, it is simply to beginning of the next astrological age. Ever heard of the Age of Aquarius? I believe the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius is 12/21/2012.
Whether or not all these cultures did in fact predict some kind of imminent world changing event is beyond me.
Is the history channel just spitting complete bull about what all these different cultures predict? Or are they tailoring vague “prophecies” in order to fit this story?
I just can’t help but wonder if the Hopi Indians, Mayans, Hindus and etc really found any significance with this date.
I believe there were credible sources that stated there would be high levels of solar activity around that time period. Yep, there was something about the polar shifts.
But only time will tell.
All I know is that I’m going to be pissed if I spend these next years studying to earn a degree only to witness the end of days