[quote]Mr.Martian wrote:
So I was watching a program the history channel aired about 2012 and the cataclysmic impending doom we are are supposed to face on December 20th 2012.
I’m usually a skeptic when it comes to all the predictions made by people like Nostradamus. According to them the world should have ended a half a dozen times already.
Supposedly however, 2012 has been foreseen by various cultures across the world. They all seem to think that something major is going to happen on Dec. 20 2012. These cultures include: the Hopi Indians, The Mayans, the Chinese E-Ching, the Hindus. It even talked about this guy who went out to find some kind of drug that would “open” human potential and allow him to forsee the future. He created some kind of web graph that also pointed to our time ending in 2012.
If the world ends in 2012, then so be it. There isn’t anything you can really do anyways. In fact I think it would be kind of cool to “see” this happen. By that I mean is, be the ones who witness the end of mankind. Heck it would mean that people can really predict the future!
Anyways, what do you guys think?[/quote]
Well… One innovation from the Arabs is having a separate way to write down numbers. Pretty much all earlier cultures used their alphabets for it (think Roman numerals). This is why we write down numbers from right to left, btw.
Anyhow, because of notational limits, there was always a biggest number every culture could notate. It might be very large, but that was a fact. For instance, 10^8 was the largest number that could easily be notated in ancient Greek. Archimedes tried to extend this to powers of this, but that never really caught on.
Random footnote: the New Testament was written in Greek, so you can take a phrase in the Bible and interpret it as a number. Two phrases with the same numeric value were deemed to have some divine and deep connection. This study is called Numerology.
Back to the topic. The Mayans also had a largest number. The date of Dec 20, 2012 is where they reach it and, like an odometer, it all scrolls over and the count resets to zero.
You might want to hold off on buying all those canned peas…
– jj