December 20th 2012

All those cultures were predicting something. They were masters at tracking and learning the patterns of the stars. They could do impressive math without a spreadsheet and a pot of coffee. In the end they discovered that the beginning of a new era, the AGE OF AQUARIUS, wold begin on the winter solstice of this date.

End of one time, beginning of another. We will probably be ready of it, and damn tired of the one ending. Hopefully, the worst of the financial hell that is about to be unleashed on this country and the world will be past, and be will be ready to start rebuilding again.

There is also the Planet X theory, where a brown dwarf star is actually in a massivly huge elliptical orbit around our SUN and will be making it’s pass through the inner solar system during that time. Sources say this orbit takes 60,000 years or so and everytime this bad boy comes into the inner solar system, it basically fucks shit up. Playing with all the planets normal orbits, magnetic fields etc… Niribu it is called by some. It’s a fun topic.


I is a wonder how they knew about the positions and orbits of various celestial bodies and planets seeing how they didn’t have telescopes and such. They are aware of these mechanics way before us. Some of their knowledge has only been confirmed in the last few decades.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
There is also the Planet X theory, where a brown dwarf star is actually in a massivly huge elliptical orbit around our SUN and will be making it’s pass through the inner solar system during that time. Sources say this orbit takes 60,000 years or so and everytime this bad boy comes into the inner solar system, it basically fucks shit up. Playing with all the planets normal orbits, magnetic fields etc… Niribu it is called by some. It’s a fun topic.


Apparently thats what caused the Egyptian plaques and issues back in the day. The passage of this celestial body. It’s well documented in human history. I wonder why the Major outlets are so incredibly dismissive of this occurrence.

[quote]nik133 wrote:
Anyone think that maybe after 2012 years they said fuck it and stopped making a calender?[/quote]

I was thinking of that. Or what if they made them but were selling the 2013 calendars 1/2 price in early 2012?


I was more concerned about August 29th, 1997.

Nice, now Hollywood made a movie called 2012. John Cusack is one of the main actors in it.

I saw the preview for it last night. Looks pretty ridiculous, along the lines of The Day After Tomorrow.

Although I think the doomsday predictions for 2012 are BS, I’m sure many people will act as though it will happen, ala Y2K.

[quote]yorik wrote:
I read somewhere that the Solar system crosses the plane of the galactic ecliptic that day. That’s all the Mayans were counting down to. I don’t know if that’s actually true or not.

The Mayans had a lot of other intersecting cycles as part of their calendar. It’s certainly possible that they were in tune with other mysteries and perhaps social cycles of human history too. Who knows? (other than the 33rd degree Freemasons, of course.)[/quote]

How big is the solar system, how long do you think it takes for something that large to pass the plane of the galactic elipse? Do you think it is reasonable that this happens in a day?

[quote]Mr.Martian wrote:
Only Chuck Norris…er I mean God knows.

Whether or not all these cultures did in fact predict some kind of imminent world changing event is beyond me.
Is the history channel just spitting complete bull about what all these different cultures predict? Or are they tailoring vague “prophecies” in order to fit this story?

I just can’t help but wonder if the Hopi Indians, Mayans, Hindus and etc really found any significance with this date.

I believe there were credible sources that stated there would be high levels of solar activity around that time period. Yep, there was something about the polar shifts.

But only time will tell.

All I know is that I’m going to be pissed if I spend these next years studying to earn a degree only to witness the end of days :([/quote]

But the Mayans were not predicting anything, there is nothing that firmly links the cycles of their calander to 2012 what happened is some historians tried to match events in the Mayan history with known events. There are literally hundreds of proposed link dates giving hundreds of interpretations of when the long count changes.

Even that isn’t necissarily important. The long count ending is like when everyone used 2 digit dates to represent the year. After 99 we had to switch to 4 digits to differentiate. That didn’t mean that our world ended, it just meant that we changed the layout of our calanders a bit. There are Mayan Calanders that use an extra wheel so have a cycle that extends further.

If the Mayan had been that good at predicting stuff, they would’ve stopped their calendar around the year 1500. That’s the when Spain came over to shoot them in the face, rape their women, steal their gold and generally kick their sorry asses from the Yucatan peninsula to the pages of history books.

What’s that Mayan Civilization? You didn’t see THAT coming?

I know I’ll be toasting New Year 2013 by drinking to never hearing this retarded shit again.

I saw the History channel show on the 2012 Doomsday predictions. Here are my comments:

-The show also omitted St. Malachi Papal predictions. St. Malachi accurately predicted all the popes. Apparently, the current pope is 2nd to last. If this is the case, it also lines up that this age is “end of ages”
-Nostradumus never predicted 2012, which the show accurately states.
-The Mayans had a more accurate calendar than we have- their ability to tell time was unbelievable. They also predicted their civilization’s demise at the hands of the Spanish rulers
-Jesus mentioned that only the Father knows the exact time and date. People can predict all they want but only God knows when the world will end.

[quote]ghost87 wrote:
I saw the History channel show on the 2012 Doomsday predictions. Here are my comments:

-The show also omitted St. Malachi Papal predictions. St. Malachi accurately predicted all the popes. Apparently, the current pope is 2nd to last. If this is the case, it also lines up that this age is “end of ages”
-Nostradumus never predicted 2012, which the show accurately states.
-The Mayans had a more accurate calendar than we have- their ability to tell time was unbelievable. They also predicted their civilization’s demise at the hands of the Spanish rulers

This one is not true. It is only after the event that the Spanish started to talk about this as an explanation for the ease of their conquest but they were referring to the Aztecs and the Incas not the Mayans. The Mayan civilisation started to collapse hundreds of years before the Spanish turned up.


-Jesus mentioned that only the Father knows the exact time and date. People can predict all they want but only God knows when the world will end. [/quote]

[quote]Mr.Martian wrote:
So I was watching a program the history channel aired about 2012 and the cataclysmic impending doom we are are supposed to face on December 20th 2012.

I’m usually a skeptic when it comes to all the predictions made by people like Nostradamus. According to them the world should have ended a half a dozen times already.

Supposedly however, 2012 has been foreseen by various cultures across the world. They all seem to think that something major is going to happen on Dec. 20 2012. These cultures include: the Hopi Indians, The Mayans, the Chinese E-Ching, the Hindus. It even talked about this guy who went out to find some kind of drug that would “open” human potential and allow him to forsee the future. He created some kind of web graph that also pointed to our time ending in 2012.

If the world ends in 2012, then so be it. There isn’t anything you can really do anyways. In fact I think it would be kind of cool to “see” this happen. By that I mean is, be the ones who witness the end of mankind. Heck it would mean that people can really predict the future!

Anyways, what do you guys think?[/quote]

Well… One innovation from the Arabs is having a separate way to write down numbers. Pretty much all earlier cultures used their alphabets for it (think Roman numerals). This is why we write down numbers from right to left, btw.

Anyhow, because of notational limits, there was always a biggest number every culture could notate. It might be very large, but that was a fact. For instance, 10^8 was the largest number that could easily be notated in ancient Greek. Archimedes tried to extend this to powers of this, but that never really caught on.

Random footnote: the New Testament was written in Greek, so you can take a phrase in the Bible and interpret it as a number. Two phrases with the same numeric value were deemed to have some divine and deep connection. This study is called Numerology.

Back to the topic. The Mayans also had a largest number. The date of Dec 20, 2012 is where they reach it and, like an odometer, it all scrolls over and the count resets to zero.

You might want to hold off on buying all those canned peas…

– jj

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Mr.Martian wrote:
Uncle Gabby wrote:
The first mistake you made was taking anything on the history channel seriously.

Well it was interesting to watch. I assume that the History channel is a somewhat “trustworthy” or reliable channel. I mean they do televise a lot of credible information. Point taken though, its just something fun to think about

They’re only credible as long as they keep to history. Every time the delve off in to UFOs, legendary monster hunters, Kennedy’s assassination, and nostradomus they jump right off the deep end into conspiracy nut.[/quote]

They fuck up actual history too. I wish I could give an example but I rarely flip through that channel anymore.

The sad thing is I bet a lot of people will commit suicide either on or just before this date.

[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
The sad thing is I bet a lot of people will commit suicide either on or just before this date.[/quote]

I bet they won’t be missed.

[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
The sad thing is I bet a lot of people will commit suicide either on or just before this date.[/quote]

And miss Christmas shopping season!? Never!

Can someone explain to me…

  1. What the consequences of a polar shift are?
  2. What size of a comet would be needed to destroy the whole earth? (Does the smoke and dust do the real damage?3) What the solar flare does to destroy our atmosphere?

I guess we’ll have to part like its 1999, all 2012. Wanta bet there won’t be to many virgins.

“gonna do it like they do it on the discovery channel” all 2012.

Nothing is going to happen in the course of 24 hours.