Just more speculation on the world ending in 2012, though this Planet X reasoning is one of the more plausible theories I’ve seen. Worth checking out if you have some time…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Just more speculation on the world ending in 2012, though this Planet X reasoning is one of the more plausible theories I’ve seen. Worth checking out if you have some time…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Oh Boy
[quote]SSC wrote:
Just more speculation on the world ending in 2012, though this Planet X reasoning is one of the more plausible theories I’ve seen. Worth checking out if you have some time…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Surviving 2012 and Planet X - Part 5 of 5: Beyond 2012 - YouTube [/quote]
Obama’s 4 years won’t end so drastically, just with him probably impeached and the world in a global Great Depression. The world will not end just because the Messiah turns out to have been yet another false one.
For those convinced of the imminent doom of 2012, please forward your monetary worth in it’s entirety via paypal to:
Thanks for your kind attention.
I thought the world was supposed to end in 2000…and before that in 1993…and after that in 2003…and then in 2005.
Why don’t these damned psychics make up their mind?
[quote]Professor X wrote:
I thought the world was supposed to end in 2000…and before that in 1993…and after that in 2003…and then in 2005.
Why don’t these damned psychics make up their mind?[/quote]
It was actually supposed to end in 1897 or something like that even.
It’s actually August 30, 2010.
I know that because a Oujia board told me when I was in 8th grade.
How do we even know what year we are living in anyway? The calendar has been chopped up and reset so many times throughout history…
The real 2012 has probably already come and gone.
Seems like a pretty weak argument for this planet X thing.
Swing and miss once again for these lunatics
You know, 2012 doesn’t work for me. That’s an Olympic year, 2013 now I can get up with that.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
I thought the world was supposed to end in 2000…and before that in 1993…and after that in 2003…and then in 2005.
Why don’t these damned psychics make up their mind?[/quote]
b/c eventually they’ll be right and then they’ll say “told ya so” though I don’t know to whom
This is what that stupid fucking movie trailer was about?
If Planet X were to reach us by 2012, dont ya think it would visible by most powerful telescopes by now? Im sure not EVERY SINGLE telescope able to see into the ends of our solar system is owned by NASA trying to cover this up…
Although this is one of the most reasonable end of days theories Ive heard of so far. There can be a planet or another object heading towards us that we have yet to discover. But to reach us by 2012? It would likely be easily visible by now.
Yes, life as we know it could be wiped off the Earth like a shit stain that managed to stay on after I wiped my ass with TP, but didn’t make it past the shower wash cloth wipe.
Well fuck.
That gives me just 4 years to achieve a 700lb deadlift.
Thanks a lot Planet X, now I have to start snorting my NOXPLODE if I am going to accomplish that.
hmmm, does this mean if I were to commit crimes on 12/31/11 that if arrested the next day that I could sue who ever concocts these retarded prophecies?
[quote]Dissonance wrote:
Well fuck.
That gives me just 4 years to achieve a 700lb deadlift.
Thanks a lot Planet X, now I have to start snorting my NOXPLODE if I am going to accomplish that.[/quote]
Nah bro, nah. What you NEED to do is incorporate the sock-method with your creatine.
I’m sure someone will try to nuke the planet or something, give us a nice show before we go.
[quote]MangoMan305 wrote:
If Planet X were to reach us by 2012, dont ya think it would visible by most powerful telescopes by now? Im sure not EVERY SINGLE telescope able to see into the ends of our solar system is owned by NASA trying to cover this up…
Although this is one of the most reasonable end of days theories Ive heard of so far. There can be a planet or another object heading towards us that we have yet to discover. But to reach us by 2012? It would likely be easily visible by now.[/quote]
Exactly what I was thinking.