you guys familiar with the idea that something either great or horrible is going to happen on december 21 2012.The mayans have been predicting it for 5000 years.It is the day their mayan calender ends,and the mayan calender is more precise than the grigorian calender we use.
Either world war,The super volcano at yellowstone that is so to speak over due for an erruption and if it did errupt it would decimate the states,canada and kill 90% of the worlds population.I am gonna hit the juice hard around october that year,just in case.go out jacked.
[quote]brucevangeorge wrote:
Weren’t we all supposd to die around the begining of the millenium?
Apocalypse and all that? And Y2K?[/quote]
The history of Christian eschatology makes for an amusing read. Over and over, groups of common folk would go nuts- oftentimes they were considered heretical, though sometimes not- getting all worked up in their preparation for the second comming, only to be left standing at the alter. All that autoflagillation for nothing.
These movements occurred with some regularity until people started realizing that either it wasn’t going to happen, or they sucked at predicting them. I think Joachim de Fiori’s heresy and the batch he inspired marked the final burst of the golden age before things started slowing down on that front.
In every historical period though you can find substantial bodies of people who believe powerful person X is the antichrist, and that this is the final age. It seems a wee bit arrogant to me to assume that out of the 100s of generations since Christ, “I” am living in “the one.” But whatever.
Well i am not saying i necesarily believe it but it holds more ground than y2k.y2k was gonna be a computer glich.cicviliztions that have been around for thousands of years agree with this,to me that holds ground.
[quote]horsepuss wrote:
Well i am not saying i necesarily believe it but it holds more ground than y2k.y2k was gonna be a computer glich.cicviliztions that have been around for thousands of years agree with this,to me that holds ground.[/quote]
[quote]horsepuss wrote:
Well i am not saying i necesarily believe it but it holds more ground than y2k.y2k was gonna be a computer glich.cicviliztions that have been around for thousands of years agree with this,to me that holds ground.[/quote]
I have more faith in a computer glitch destroying us than the predictions of a two thousand year old civilization that died out because it didn’t rain enough and they overfarmed.
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
horsepuss wrote:
Well i am not saying i necesarily believe it but it holds more ground than y2k.y2k was gonna be a computer glich.cicviliztions that have been around for thousands of years agree with this,to me that holds ground.
I have more faith in a computer glitch destroying us than the predictions of a two thousand year old civilization that died out because it didn’t rain enough and they overfarmed.
C’mon. [/quote]
If you like computer glitch apocalypses you can always stock rifles and tuna for 2038.
im glad this is getting responses.About 2038,again a man made problem.We made computers so if there is a clich with comps then it is our fault and besides people are probably allready working on that.2012 is not something that people can change and I am not saying I beleive it
But We can not help the galaxy moving into hostile space,Or the magnetic poles shifting.This is more than Y2K or 2038 or any man made virus,If it is anything.i hope it comes and goes,The fact is we dont know,But people keep comparing it to computer problems.
[quote]horsepuss wrote:
im glad this is getting responses.About 2038,again a man made problem.We made computers so if there is a clich with comps then it is our fault and besides people are probably allready working on that.2012 is not something that people can change and I am not saying I beleive it[/quote]
So the Mayans… didn’t make a calendar? or were they just not men.
Don’t remember where I read this but some dude long ago actually named all the Popes, up to and including the current one. He said there would be one more, then the world ends. Since he actually named names hundreds of years before, its kind of freaky, unless Popes are named off the list, just to mess with us — sh, those Catholics!! ;D
FightingIrish wrote:
The Mayan calendar ended because their civilization fell apart, and they’d already figured out about two thousand years in the future.
This is still the stupidest fucking thing in the world.
You are what is known as a ‘delusional dumbass’. You do know NO ONE knows what the hell happened to them. You do know your sitting on a fucking rock hurtling through space among billions of stars claiming confidence about matters on a complexity few if any people could possibly comprehend on even a fractional scale. The Mayans were known to have the most advanced technology POSSIBLE given their resources. Did you know they were so advanced that they recorded Pluto’s existence?
That was Saint Malachy.
The interesting thing here is that multiple prophets and multiple religions, all isolated from each other, came to the same conclusion for this time.
(queue the age of Aquarius song)
In a nutshell they say time moves circularly as opposed to linearly. When you place the line of evolution on top of this it begins to accelerate exponentially, where each evolutionary ‘jump’ is contained in each cycle. Now evolution to the Mayans was was specifically about an organisms consciousness, (which we know varies greatly between people today, most appear as if they are sleepwalking) which was divided into many subsets depending on which scholar’s interpretation you listen to.
I’m really doing an awful job explaining this I recommend you download some torrents if you are interested in just what that other 90% of your brain is doing.
[quote]metalsluggx wrote:
FightingIrish wrote:
The Mayan calendar ended because their civilization fell apart, and they’d already figured out about two thousand years in the future.
This is still the stupidest fucking thing in the world.
You are what is known as a ‘delusional dumbass’. You do know NO ONE knows what the hell happened to them. You do know your sitting on a fucking rock hurtling through space among billions of stars claiming confidence about matters on a complexity few if any people could possibly comprehend on even a fractional scale. The Mayans were known to have the most advanced technology POSSIBLE given their resources. Did you know they were so advanced that they recorded Pluto’s existence?
That was Saint Malachy.
The interesting thing here is that multiple prophets and multiple religions, all isolated from each other, came to the same conclusion for this time.
(queue the age of Aquarius song)
In a nutshell they say time moves circularly as opposed to linearly. When you place the line of evolution on top of this it begins to accelerate exponentially, where each evolutionary ‘jump’ is contained in each cycle. Now evolution to the Mayans was was specifically about an organisms consciousness, (which we know varies greatly between people today, most appear as if they are sleepwalking) which was divided into many subsets depending on which scholar’s interpretation you listen to.
I’m really doing an awful job explaining this I recommend you download some torrents if you are interested in just what that other 90% of your brain is doing.[/quote]
I don’t need to be told about how great they were. I know they were a very advanced civilization, and I’m not trying to take anything away from them… I just get very pissed quickly when people think the motherfucking world is going to end because their calendar ends. That’s all.
[quote]horsepuss wrote:
Malevolence wrote:
if you are interested in just what that other 90% of your brain is doing.
We use all of our brains.
I hope youre kidding.But if not youre an idiot.[/quote]
Look it up. The 10% thing is a myth. There is some truth to the fact that we don’t necessarily use all of our brains at once, but there is absolutely no truth to the idea that we only ever use 5-10% of our brains in our life, and there is an ‘untapped’ 90% that, if understood, could yield limitless potential.
There is some truth to the idea that we use 5-10% of our brain for any given cognitive task, but the rest of our brain is still in operation controlling things that are not in the forefront.
[quote]etaco wrote:
…In every historical period though you can find substantial bodies of people who believe powerful person X is the antichrist, …[/quote]
He is a little hard on the skinny guys tha want to cut but I don’t think that makes him the antichrist.
[quote]Malevolence wrote:
horsepuss wrote:
Malevolence wrote:
if you are interested in just what that other 90% of your brain is doing.
We use all of our brains.
I hope youre kidding.But if not youre an idiot.
Look it up. The 10% thing is a myth. There is some truth to the fact that we don’t necessarily use all of our brains at once, but there is absolutely no truth to the idea that we only ever use 5-10% of our brains in our life, and there is an ‘untapped’ 90% that, if understood, could yield limitless potential.
There is some truth to the idea that we use 5-10% of our brain for any given cognitive task, but the rest of our brain is still in operation controlling things that are not in the forefront.