Dealing with Bronchitis

Hi, I have got a minor case of Bronchitis and was wondering what people’s advice was on when it is OK to start training again. I want to get back ASAP (obviously) but don’t want to go back too quickly and lose more training time in the long run.

Have had 8 days off training so far and my cough has basically gone though I still do have a little bit of phlegm (not wheazing when I breath anymore though)

Were you diagnosed with bronchitis by a physician?

Did you receive any treatment, i.e. hospitalization, inhalation treatment with nebulizers or inhalers, antibiotics?

Do you have any other premorbid pulmonary disease, i.e. asthma, COPD, Chronic bronchitis?

Do you feel short of breath at rest, currently?


[quote]beefcakemdphd wrote:
Were you diagnosed with bronchitis by a physician?

Did you receive any treatment, i.e. hospitalization, inhalation treatment with nebulizers or inhalers, antibiotics?

Do you have any other premorbid pulmonary disease, i.e. asthma, COPD, Chronic bronchitis?

Do you feel short of breath at rest, currently?



By a doctor (heard symptoms and listened to my chest) obviously mild bronchitis.

Doctor prescribed antibiotics (for a viral infection???), NSAIDs and a cough syrup along with a few days rest.

Currently not short of breath (other than from not training for a couple of weeks), coughing a little bit and no longer bringing up nasty green phlegm.

No other issues at the moment.

So it sounds like he did not perform a chest x ray. I am assuming you do not have a history of asthma or COPD. Without examining you in person, certainly it makes it difficult to give you advice with certainty. Based on what you are saying, I would try returning to exercise, but increase your intensity and volume gradually. I would give yourself 2 weeks to get back up to your former exercise level. I would adjust your program letting your shortness of breath guide you.


I would not exercise, if I were also having a fever. I am assuming you do not.


[quote]beefcakemdphd wrote:
I would not exercise, if I were also having a fever. I am assuming you do not.


Thanks man, that is pretty much what I have done. Started easing back into it over the weekend, don’t feel too bad so starting to up the intensity