Hi guys
Training for around 2.5 years now and having a problem where I don’t feel I am getting around to my workouts quick enough due to DOMS
This is pretty much only for legs - specifically hamstrings
For example I try to do a 4 day split training 3-4 days a week (Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat)
1.)leg day
I do squats, and leg press and some calf work
2.)Back and Bicep day
Pullups, cable rows, barbell curls, DB curls
3.)Deadlift day
Deadlifts, lunges and ab work
4.)Chest tricep and shoulders day
Bench press, db press, tricep dips, tricep isolation, shoulder press
But I end up doing chest workout in before deadlifts as my hamstrings usually are sore still from squats and feel like they will pull / strain if I deadlift
So then I dont get back to deadlift for another day or two, by that time its anywhere 10 to 12 days from the last deadlift session
This feels like it takes too long to get back to the exercise (I can recover from chest, tricep, quad, calf and back work in 3-4 days)
Of course its possible this is a normal timeframe? And I am doubling the work on hams with squats and deadlifts
So Im asking ,what does everyone else do?
Same time between heavy lifts? i.e. 10 or so days
Not do heavy lifts for deads and squats?
Have a different split of bodyparts? (dont see how to)
Do deads and squats on the same day!? (no chance)
Fire away