Quick background:
I’ve been lifting for a while but reading posts on this site has gotten me out of the mind set of “working out” and into the mind set of training (training right and training hard) and I like it! While I learned many new exercises and lifts from this and other sites and worked hard at trying to do them right, two lifts I always shied away from were the Deadlift & Squat.
Now on three I want you all to get your cursing and yelling out of your system, you know, yelling at me for ignoring some of the most basic and important lifts known to man. 1…2…3, go! All better?
Noting that these two lifts are given such air time on this forum I figured it was high time I checked them out. I think many of you will be pleased to know that the day after my first session deadlifting and squating, with only 135 pounds for 3 sets of 10 mind you, I found it hard to walk! The pain opened my eyes to the fact that I was really lacking in strength in my legs and back!
I have since incorporated these lifts in to my entire training schedule and can move 200 pounds for reps in both lifts (I’ve only been doing it for 2 months) so I like to think I’m improving. My question is as a 31 year old 235 pound, 6 foot male, what are numbers I should be shooting for? I don’t compete in powerlifting but recently I was thinking of getting into it cause if I am training, what am I training for, eh?
Oh and another reason I thought I should start squating & deadlifting is a quote I read on this site, “Some where, a little girl is warming up with you max.” Frak that’s insulting!
There are many variables to this but typically someone who is fit and strong at your age should be able to squat in the 300 to 400 range for reps. 135 is a start but you need to improve those numbers a great deal. Since you have never focused on these you should be able to bring them up to a respectable level fairly quickly.
[quote]Dedicated wrote:
There are many variables to this but typically someone who is fit and strong at your age should be able to squat in the 300 to 400 range for reps. 135 is a start but you need to improve those numbers a great deal. Since you have never focused on these you should be able to bring them up to a respectable level fairly quickly.
Thanks, that is what I’m looking for. I have a new goal now!
Brant, the insult isn’t as bad looking at that body!
I think it’s great you have started doing these and made such good progress. There is no hard and fast rules on how much you should lift, but if I saw you walk into my gym based on the numbers you gave. I’d expect a comfortable 275 LBS. squat and 315 LBS. Dead lift. Maxes I guess around 300 LBS and 350 respectively. If you were coming in as a person who has mastered these lifts. I’d expect, 315 to 365 lbs squat and around 405 to 415 Dead lift.
These arn’t hand and fast rules by any stretch of the imagination. Trying to go to heavy to fast can lead to injury, tendonitis or joint pain, and that ain’t worth it (trust me, I was stupid enough to test my limits too hard). That being said, I can comfortably say that your best lifting years are in front of you.
As you get older, you need to monitor your endocrine levels (yes, in your thirties) and keep up with physicals. The main differences are all the new interesting aches and pains you develop, but who gives a shit as long as you can train, right?! Anyway, stay strong. and keep up the good work!
[quote]MytchBucanan wrote:
Anyone who purposefully avoids squats in the gym and consequently has skinny legs should be called “The Flamingo Kid”.
Squats are tough, but if you give yourself enough warm sets to get into the groove, they really do feel good.
Give it time, those numbers will come up.
Yeah I did discover that once you get going it feels pretty good. Weird. It also feels good to look around my gym and note that no one else is doing them!
Pat36, you are right about going to the doctor but I hate paying someone to poke and prod me when I can think of a dozen people off hand that would love to stick a sharp instrument in me for free!