Golden. Strong back holds everything together, super freakin simple. Feel like a decent amount of people overlook that little bit.
I’d say sub-optimal given the amount of fatigue it causes but I can see your point
If it’s true that stretching the muscle is an important trigger for hypertrophy, where is the stretch with deadlifts? The biceps and maybe the traps get a stretch but what else?
I’ve seen skinny guys deadlift decent weight but I’ve never seen one do an ATG squat with a decent weight.
Though the biceps and traps are stretched, they have no range of motion in the deadlift. And you don’t want any biceps range of motion when the weight gets heavy.
Only a few muscles actually respond to SMH… back isn’t one and dead lifts are a hip hinge anyway so hams / glutes / erectors. Stretch is a bit overblown… tension to length ratios exist and the mid-range is the sweet spot for most muscle groups
Deads don’t stretch the traps actually. They’re engaged but not stretched
For a beginner with limited weights of 70kg looking to burn fat and gain muscle.
You can’t go wrong with deadlifts for high reps with a double overhand grip, working on progressing the reps since you can’t progress in weight. Of course you can find ways to add weight like tie some books or buckets to the bar.
If I were you I would do one-arm rows with the barbell instead of two hands and presses (one arm and/or two arms).
Can’t go wrong with that……
High rep deads are not a good idea at all
Can you define the minimum reps that is still called “high reps?”
I think that deadlifts/deadlift variations are definitely a good thing to do. You can definitely do them for volume so long as your form is good, and you could even consider using them at the end of your workout too as a bit of a finisher. Do your rows and such first, or even do rdl’s before regular deadlifts too. That’s been my approach in the past when I didn’t have as much weight to play with.
LOL, so what’s he gonna do with 70kg to get some real good foundational strength and muscle?
Practice singles?
Is high reps with 155# really going to hurt anyone? I’ve done them and they will strengthen the grip and tendons if anything they are the safest thing you can do.
Join a gym or get more plates… lol at 155 for high reps
If I didn’t have a gym to lift, I wouldn’t lift at all.
I very strongly disagree
It sounds like you’ve never done 155 dead lift for at least 50reps without straps because if you have you would never laugh at them.
I promise if this guy did them, he’d probably be stronger and get more results faster than 75 percent of the forum. With that alone, without the heavy weights, without the strict dieting, without the standard cardio equipment.
I’ll say it again, you can’t go wrong with it.
You look like trash.
Since OP only has 155# he should work on the Zercher, here’s a vid on how to do them (I did them today with 300#)-
I look better and better each week, gaining muscle, strength and losing fat and probably not even getting 1# of protein per pound of BW per day.
I bet that was offensive!!!
Who does a 300# zercher second time ever without a rack plus a 250# one from the floor second time ever and set 1 was 225???
Show me up, I’ll eat crow then.
If you’re trying to lose fat, you need to do push aways. If you don’t like doing regular deads, then do Romanians or good mornings.
It’s not a very good hypertrophy exercise, high reps = fatigue, form break down, etc… so why ? And I did 20 rep sets with the trap bar quite a few times.