Hello all. As some of you know, if the pec-minor becomes overactive/tight, it can really screw over scapula stabilisation for pulling/pushing exercises. That’s what I basically have currently. I am currently strengthening the retractors/depressors/upward rotators/external rotators of the scapula/shoulder joint but at the same time, REALLY NEED TO DEACTIVATE THE PEC MINOR. The pec-minor is currently way too over-active (for some reason, it just happened out of no where) and too tight. Tradional independent stretching is not cutting it and I need some serious and a lot more effective ways to stretch and de-activate the pec-minor. The pec-minor was never tight for me and I’m not sedentary (always train) but it just happened while trying to fix my scapula within the last 1-2 months.
So basically, if anyone can help me with SERIOUSLY DEACTIVATING AND STRETCHING THE PEC-MINOR, that would be great. If the stretching/deactivation requires a partner, then that’s fine too - I just need some suggestions and help! Thanks.