Had my last pin of Deca 3 months ago (Cyp/Deca cycle) and like a dumbass I decided to not go the stasis taper route and was really shut down for a bit. Bloodwork is good now but I’m leery of running my intended cycle of Te Prop, Tren, Masteron…it was going to be my first run with Tren and Masteron.
I’m going to save the gear for winter simply because I don’t want to risk shut down again so soon, knowing how long deca lingers, so I was thinking of running a staggered cycle for two completely different reasons. First I have a bottle of Equipoise that needs to be used and second I want to end my cycle with Winstrol for a smoother transition off cycle. I’ll be running Prisoner’s stasis/taper protocol. Here is my plan:
1-14 Te Prop 150mg EOD
1-5 Equip 150mg EOD
6-12 Winstrol 100mg EOD
Adex .125 ED
I’m looking for maximum synergy. Knowing I can only run the Winstrol 6-8 weeks I thought I could possible produce better gains by switching compounds while running test full go at 550/wk rather than running all the compounds simultaneously, whereas I would have to call it quits at the 8 week mark…any thoughts?
Don’t do. Running EQ for 5 weeks you might as well throw it away; not literally but a little bit.
Figure out if you really think and feel and labs verify you are recovered from the cyp deca run.
If you really want to cycle up and you feel your body is ready than why not do your test, mast, tren run? If you are ready, you’re ready. If not than doing prop and EQ isn’t going to be any better for you.
And why do eq EOD? it really is better weekly. it has a half life of 14 days or so.weekly is the way to go…it is still as many injections.
And 14 weeks is a long cycle you do know that dont you? 14 weeks even without a Nor-Test sunstance is gonna give the HPTA a real fucking hard time. All so you can use up your eq?
Save it till you can add another bottle or two to it. OR be a gent and give it to me at a reduced rate, i could really use it to go with my 20mls of the shit!
(just kidding mods… i dont really use the stuff… i… I… oh… whats the point, i gonna get told off again aren’t i?)
In order to get the benefits from the EQ, it needs to be run for a good length of time. If you stretched the dosing of it to E3D, or twice a week, can you get at least ten weeks out of it? That’s a lot closer to the time frame of the length it should be run. 12 weeks is even better, though. If not, I’d agree, the best course is to save it for when you’ve got more, to do it right.
Thanks for the advice fellers - I thought their were probably some holes.
Saps: I’m good to go per the blood, and with doing the taper I will recover much better from the tren than I did the deca I’m sure, but I think ideally HCG should be run and I’ve never messed with it - not even sure I can get it. It’s not apples to apples if I’m running the taper but I’m still just hesitant after going through a month of no libido.
5.0: I don’t think a 10ml bottle of 200mg/ml can be stretched for 10 weeks and be effective so I’ll just leave it out and get more for another time…or give it to JJ.
I think I’m just going to run a Test Prop/Winstrol 8 weeker. Can these 2 (one oil based one suspension) be combined in a syringe or does it fuck up the flow?
[quote] JJ wrote:
i been researching Eq heavily due to starting a cycle with it in soon-ish.
Have you come across any information about the possibility of the increased RBC count contributing to breaking loose plaque in the arteries, and subsequently causing a blockage (heart attack or stroke)?
I have not! thanks for that though… good job i’m not a natural worrier… lol!
However, the chance of a thrombus being of the correct size from plaque build up and going into the correct arteriole to cause an embolism or a coronary has got to be rare in individuals of a certain age and health… those with less thrombosis’ to cause a problem in the first place.
I actually met an old friend again recently and he has just recovered from DVT - he is a 240lb 8% BB year round… He is also 50! I’ll have to see if he uses Eq much…!
[quote] JJ wrote:
I have not! thanks for that though… good job i’m not a natural worrier… lol!
However, the chance of a thrombus being of the correct size from plaque build up and going into the correct arteriole to cause an embolism or a coronary has got to be rare in individuals of a certain age and health… those with less thrombosis’ to cause a problem in the first place.
I actually met an old friend again recently and he has just recovered from DVT - he is a 240lb 8% BB year round… He is also 50! I’ll have to see if he uses Eq much…![/quote]
I’ve been pondering just how small or not the chances of any trouble from eq in that regard are lately. I too am trying to get together the eq for my rehab cycle.
Anyone know of lifters or other, having any issues with the increase of RBC’s in any way, shape, or form?
And if so, what kind of doses they were using with it?
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
JJ wrote:
I have not! thanks for that though… good job i’m not a natural worrier… lol!
However, the chance of a thrombus being of the correct size from plaque build up and going into the correct arteriole to cause an embolism or a coronary has got to be rare in individuals of a certain age and health… those with less thrombosis’ to cause a problem in the first place.
I actually met an old friend again recently and he has just recovered from DVT - he is a 240lb 8% BB year round… He is also 50! I’ll have to see if he uses Eq much…!
I’ve been pondering just how small or not the chances of any trouble from eq in that regard are lately. I too am trying to get together the eq for my rehab cycle.
Anyone know of lifters or other, having any issues with the increase of RBC’s in any way, shape, or form?
And if so, what kind of doses they were using with it?
Anyone? Prisoner?
Sorry for the hijack Mousse!
Good luck with whatever you end up doing buddy.
No worries…this thread is dead as far as I’m concerned, so you can post anything you want. Thanks again to all.
[quote]Mousse wrote:
InTheZone wrote:
JJ wrote:
I have not! thanks for that though… good job i’m not a natural worrier… lol!
However, the chance of a thrombus being of the correct size from plaque build up and going into the correct arteriole to cause an embolism or a coronary has got to be rare in individuals of a certain age and health… those with less thrombosis’ to cause a problem in the first place.
I actually met an old friend again recently and he has just recovered from DVT - he is a 240lb 8% BB year round… He is also 50! I’ll have to see if he uses Eq much…!
I’ve been pondering just how small or not the chances of any trouble from eq in that regard are lately. I too am trying to get together the eq for my rehab cycle.
Anyone know of lifters or other, having any issues with the increase of RBC’s in any way, shape, or form?
And if so, what kind of doses they were using with it?
Anyone? Prisoner?
Sorry for the hijack Mousse!
Good luck with whatever you end up doing buddy.
No worries…this thread is dead as far as I’m concerned, so you can post anything you want. Thanks again to all.
It’s not dead yet, Prisoner is willing to shed some light on the question posed by 5.0 and myself with respect to RBC’s and any dangers or not associated with eq.
You said it yourself, one is oil one is water.
Never the twain shall meet.
DING! Wrong answer.
Sorry JJ, couldn’t resist. Oil and water based compounds go fine in the same syringe together, just beware of the different viscosities causing ‘surges’ when you inject.
And EQ can of course be run for 5 weeks. It’s certainly not ideal, but you’ll get a nice bit of collagen synthesis during weeks 4-10.
lol! normally that WOULD piss me off - but you cant do much wrong in my eyes lover
Really though? As i wrote it i actually thought - what would happen if we did mix them? they would both go in and do their job… but surely you couldnt!! That was my exact process! lol!