I read your scrawny bastard article. As always well writen but I see one problem. Whoever goes on that will have a serious problem. What? Well lets see low fiber…low water…it’s going to be like trying to pass a cinder block out your ass on this diet. Your ca-ca is going to be about as hard as a ball of tungsten carbide. Rrrhhh must grip toilet seat rhhhhh for more leverage as rhhhahhhhhh I try to force out ughhhh block of steel. Ping!!!
Yes I’m crude so sue me. Hehehh. Well of course I thought that a person could use metamucil. But since the diet is suppose to be low fiber that kind of makes it somewhat of a paradox no? But I guess if you take it at night like tek said then it wouldn’t kill the insulin response cause that’s when your eating your high fat meal anyway. I mean I myself would never go on a low fiber diet cause well I think I already gave a detailed discription to which noone wants to read again(last time I post being that tired). I just wanted Cy to say it and not me so that it would actually be listened too. As no doubt at this very moment someone has plugholio as the result of not figuring this out. I’m here to save lives people!!!