What up -
Have any of you heard of the crossfit program? I have been lifting on a weekly basis for over 5 years now, and basically the conclusion I have come across is that standard lifting of free weights only goes so far.
About a year back I was talking to a rugby coach down here in south carolina who used to be the strengh coach for the university of iowa football team. He told me he was getting read to move down to atlanta and open up one of these facilities. Now I have never been to an actual crossfit gym, or even talked to another person face to face aside from him that even knows what crossfit is.
Anyway, after talking to this guy I went to the site and started looking at some of the shit they had to offer in terms of workouts. The first thing I noticed is that police task forces and various military personnel seem to go to this site.
Each day they put up a specific workout of the day that usually consists of some pretty outlandish shit. An example of this would be a recent workout they posted named “Diane” Which consists of 21-15-9 reps of 225 lb deadlift and then handstand push-ups.
Where am I going with this? Since I have started out my workouts by doing their workout of the day (Which range from the above to doing stadiums with 100 lb punching bags). Every one of my maxes (from squats, to shrugs, to bench) have increased exponentially. This is probably due to the extreme shock that my muscles are receiving from craziness of each workout before i do my lifting for the day.
Anyway, check it out www.crossfit.com And let me know what you guys think, or if you have heard of them before, if you like them too.
BTW, I don’t work for them, so don’t be a jackass and come back saying stuff like we’re not gonna buy that shit or whatever, because i don’t care, it’s not my company.