
What up -

Have any of you heard of the crossfit program? I have been lifting on a weekly basis for over 5 years now, and basically the conclusion I have come across is that standard lifting of free weights only goes so far.

About a year back I was talking to a rugby coach down here in south carolina who used to be the strengh coach for the university of iowa football team. He told me he was getting read to move down to atlanta and open up one of these facilities. Now I have never been to an actual crossfit gym, or even talked to another person face to face aside from him that even knows what crossfit is.

Anyway, after talking to this guy I went to the site and started looking at some of the shit they had to offer in terms of workouts. The first thing I noticed is that police task forces and various military personnel seem to go to this site.

Each day they put up a specific workout of the day that usually consists of some pretty outlandish shit. An example of this would be a recent workout they posted named “Diane” Which consists of 21-15-9 reps of 225 lb deadlift and then handstand push-ups.

Where am I going with this? Since I have started out my workouts by doing their workout of the day (Which range from the above to doing stadiums with 100 lb punching bags). Every one of my maxes (from squats, to shrugs, to bench) have increased exponentially. This is probably due to the extreme shock that my muscles are receiving from craziness of each workout before i do my lifting for the day.

Anyway, check it out And let me know what you guys think, or if you have heard of them before, if you like them too.

BTW, I don’t work for them, so don’t be a jackass and come back saying stuff like we’re not gonna buy that shit or whatever, because i don’t care, it’s not my company.

What were your maxes before and what are they now?

Crossfit has been talked about a fair amount on this site. It does have its benefits and it is an interesting philosophy. Generally one of its weaknesses is that it doesn’t do much to improve your max strength if you are already good, so I am a bit surprised it had that effect for you.

It sounds like you are doing their WOD and still lifting regularly. I believe their WOD is all they recommend but obviously if your way is working for you then you can keep it up.

Do a search of Crossfit if you want to get some feedback. Since it isn’t that good for improving max strength or max muscle size it gets bashed a bit on this site, but their conditioning ideas are cool.

For Bench I was maxing a little above 350, now I max 405.

For Arms, it has taken off. I will curl 65 dumbells in 3 sets of 6 reps. As far as max for that, with an E-Z bar I can do 155 with a 25 lb bar. Before hand I could only do 115 on an e-z bar and only 50 lb dumbells for reps. Everything has increase in this fashion as well.

Where in SC are you?

I go to Clemson

Your screen name is “Jacked Diesel” and your first post at this site is on CrossFit? And you mention that is has made you more jacked and diesel? And you link to the CrossFit site?

You’ll have to do much, much better job at trolling. A good troll job must be subtle. This one was damned easy to spot.

[quote]Jacked Diesel wrote:
For Bench I was maxing a little above 350, now I max 405.

For Arms, it has taken off. I will curl 65 dumbells in 3 sets of 6 reps. As far as max for that, with an E-Z bar I can do 155 with a 25 lb bar. Before hand I could only do 115 on an e-z bar and only 50 lb dumbells for reps. Everything has increase in this fashion as well.


You gave your maxes for bench and curls? Dude. . . just because this is a bodybuilding website doesn’t mean we’re that dumb.

I smell a rat. A jacked and diesel one.

oh jesus, you people can’t be this dumb, can you? Maybe too many steroids have destroyed what little brain cells you guys had left. No one asked for specific maxes, so i through out two generics.

Ask me specific questions and you will get an exact answer. And brant, I think you’re a little angry because you max bench is 3 lbs heavier than your body weight, little pathetic.

I don’t have time to work for a company like crossfit, I go to school full time at clemson, and if you took the time to go on their site and look at their locations you would see they do not have a center in clemson, or in any of the neighboring cities of clemson.

Like i said before, I do not endorse them, nor do I buy from them, I simply go to the site and start my workout with their WOD, and then continue my workout.

Isn’t this forum suppose to be centered around the idea of spreading Ideas to others in an effort for everyone to improve their workout for the better in the long run? I mean jesus, attacking me is the same as attacking anyone that has read arnold’s book’s and gives them positive feedback.

[quote]Jacked Diesel wrote:
oh jesus, you people can’t be this dumb, can you? Maybe too many steroids have destroyed what little brain cells you guys had left. No one asked for specific maxes, so i through out two generics.

Ask me specific questions and you will get an exact answer. And brant, I think you’re a little angry because you max bench is 3 lbs heavier than your body weight, little pathetic.

I don’t have time to work for a company like crossfit, I go to school full time at clemson, and if you took the time to go on their site and look at their locations you would see they do not have a center in clemson, or in any of the neighboring cities of clemson.

Like i said before, I do not endorse them, nor do I buy from them, I simply go to the site and start my workout with their WOD, and then continue my workout.

Isn’t this forum suppose to be centered around the idea of spreading Ideas to others in an effort for everyone to improve their workout for the better in the long run? I mean jesus, attacking me is the same as attacking anyone that has read arnold’s book’s and gives them positive feedback.[/quote]

For better or for worse, welcome to T-Nation.

CrossFit claims to train you for overall “fitness” and they give their definition. Lately, they’ve been less apprehensive towards lifting heavier weight, which is good.

There are very cool aspects of CrossFit that make it worthwhile if there’s a gym near you. There’s a sense of camaraderie, unlike what you typically see in gyms. If you buy into the kool-aid you will definitely see progress in many different aspects of “fitness”.

This type of training is not ideal for athletes or sports competitors (other than MMA) because it is too non-specific and the metabolic conditioning will cut into your sports training.

It is my opinion that if you combine CrossFit with good ole strength training, you will be just fine.

[quote]Jacked Diesel wrote:
oh jesus, you people can’t be this dumb, can you? Maybe too many steroids have destroyed what little brain cells you guys had left. No one asked for specific maxes, so i through out two generics.

Isn’t this forum suppose to be centered around the idea of spreading Ideas to others in an effort for everyone to improve their workout for the better in the long run? I mean jesus, attacking me is the same as attacking anyone that has read arnold’s book’s and gives them positive feedback.[/quote]

Yes, it is supposed to be centered around the idea of discussing different methods and ideas.

However, T-Nation has become a place where many of the forum posters are negative about everything and act like a$$holes when responding.

It’s one main reason why I don’t post as often anymore. There are many new people who have joined up and seemed to have forgotten how to keep an open mind or who think everything is wrong except what they know and do.

And that’s stretching it because I guarantee that many of the people that offer negative comments don’t look that great and don’t have photos in their profiles to back up all the talk.

I kind of like it when the people act like a$$holes to me, it makes me feel less gay then if they were acting like D$cks. But I guess if they acted like pu$$ies you would feel like a real man.

If it worked to increase all your lifts then by golly Gee batman keep it up!!!

More than likely it worked because it gave you a specific goal to accomplish in each workout, which in turn probably increased your intesity because you are competing with the unknown person who is also doing the program. Also kept you from getting locked into one particular routine day in and day out for 5 years. Maybe I’ll check it out.

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
I kind of like it when the people act like a$$holes to me, it makes me feel less gay then if they were acting like D$cks. But I guess if they acted like pu$$ies you would feel like a real man.

LOL! awesome!

[quote]Jacked Diesel wrote:
oh jesus, you people can’t be this dumb, can you? Maybe too many steroids have destroyed what little brain cells you guys had left. No one asked for specific maxes, so i through out two generics.

Ask me specific questions and you will get an exact answer. And brant, I think you’re a little angry because you max bench is 3 lbs heavier than your body weight, little pathetic.

I don’t have time to work for a company like crossfit, I go to school full time at clemson, and if you took the time to go on their site and look at their locations you would see they do not have a center in clemson, or in any of the neighboring cities of clemson.

Like i said before, I do not endorse them, nor do I buy from them, I simply go to the site and start my workout with their WOD, and then continue my workout.

Isn’t this forum suppose to be centered around the idea of spreading Ideas to others in an effort for everyone to improve their workout for the better in the long run? I mean jesus, attacking me is the same as attacking anyone that has read arnold’s book’s and gives them positive feedback.[/quote]

Dude if someone is giving you a hard time, especially when you come on here claiming these great strength gains, who cares! I believe you could have increased your strength that much sure, but who really cares as long as you know you did it.

I give people a hard time alot on this site but then again I get the same back and who cares if you know that you are correct? Anyhow welcome to T-Nation.

I found something you might be interested in. The founder of Crossfit in his own personal training routine. This man is legendary for his endurance, strength, and mental toughness. He has almost become a hermit with his great fame as of late, but I have a video of him during happier times. With no further ado…

wow shadow you went back on calling him a rat.

People are so damn negative on this site, natedogg said it best. This guy is very strong and made some interesting claims, and auotmatically he’s a troll???

So, you’re in college, but you have the resources to do stadiums with 100lb punching bags without being on a team. Neat.

[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:
I found something you might be interested in. The founder of Crossfit in his own personal training routine. This man is legendary for his endurance, strength, and mental toughness. He has almost become a hermit with his great fame as of late, but I have a video of him during happier times. With no further ado…



[quote]PF_88 wrote:
wow shadow you went back on calling him a rat.

People are so damn negative on this site, natedogg said it best. This guy is very strong and made some interesting claims, and auotmatically he’s a troll???[/quote]

That was a joke, I thought it was pretty funny. Who cares!! Here we are in the anonymity of cyberspace. This is not a face to face discussion. People say things here they would never say to someone face to face. I see a somewhat ridiculous post, I make a somewhat ridiculous post back.

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
Your screen name is “Jacked Diesel” and your first post at this site is on CrossFit? And you mention that is has made you more jacked and diesel? And you link to the CrossFit site?

You’ll have to do much, much better job at trolling. A good troll job must be subtle. This one was damned easy to spot.[/quote]

You must be on roids to make such a baseless accusation.

No one trolls on this site!