In my whole time training for football, high school through NFL, we never did position specific lifts or training. All players trained to be really strong and fast, regardless of position, position specific happens in practice. It doesnt matter what position you play, you always do better by being strong and fast.
We used fixed weights because it gives us a way to measure performance that is consistent. And because there are no percentages on the football field, and the little guys have to sometimes battle the big guys and vice versa. There are more then a few ways to get strong, strong men lift stones and other fixed objects, sometimes there are places that percentages dont apply. But we do mix it up.
Our goal is increase and maintain strength through out the season, this was the training routine i used in season, and i always made gains for the first half of the season. The in-season was my season routine and always worked for me and the others that used it.
And if you saw my screen, WELBOURN and I signed it John. You can google me. I played 10 years for Eagles, Chiefs and Patriots, i got hurt in my last year with the Pats. If you read the website it gave my name and bio. The program was created with the help of Mark Rippetoe, Raphael Ruiz, Kelly Starrett and Max Mormont, with influences of Todd Rice, Mark Verstagen, Tom Shaw, Tom Kanavy, Mike Wolf, Vasso Chronis, Jeff Hurd and some of the finest coaches I have ever come across.
CrossFit was similar to the style of training that i used through my career. We always lifted weights, sprinted and did metabolic conditioning. These metabolic conditioning routines were a lot like the metcon wods of CrossFit. The training we did for football, always used Olympic lifted, barbell lifted, sprinted, agility drills and gymnastics for body control, similar to CrossFit.
And it is a free website that offers training for people, i am amazed that people would be so angry about it. Especially, people that never played football at a high level. I bet if i charged for the book or the website people would be complimentary.
What is your name and your football experience?
ill bite…
why aren’t there position specific WOD’s, instead of just one generic WOD?
why do you guys use a strict weight in the WOD’s, such as 5 rounds of 185 power cleans for time, rather than a percentage, considering the strength levels vary based on position?
i don’t get how you guys come up with in-season WOD workouts… i mean how do you even justify a one-size fits all WOD while in-season? off-season makes more sense, but i cant comprehend in-season.
what team did you play for, whats your name?
from website:
How do we know CrossFit Football’s programming works? Because it has been designed by NFL players and some of the top coaches in the world. Not only has it been created by top athletes, but it has been used to compete at the highest levels of professional sports. The utility of this program is not theoretical; it has not been designed by someone that thinks it might work, but by athletes and coaches that have dominated at the highest levels of competitive athletics.
chances are, in your development leading up to and including the NFL, you did not use crossfit football… since it didn’t exist… and most football s&c coaches have not utilized anything similar to crossfit football i would bet… so how long has this system existed to make it unparalleled in the industry, before it became public?