(I hope the formatting doesn’t get all messed up)
Let me start off by saying I am 5’7’', 160lbs(roughly 10% bf) and have been lifting weights off and on for a few years now. My job wouldn’t let me stay consistent. Now I have a new job and it allows me to work out to my hearts content.
So I’m getting more serious in my approach this time. My goals are a stronger Deadlift/Squat and overall better physique(bigger). Let me show you my workout routine first:
Day 1: Chest
-Dumbbell Flat Bench – 4-58-10
-Barbell Decline – 310
-Dumbbell Incline Bench – 3*10
-Flys(only one type):
-------Switch between Dumbbell Incline/Decline/Flat
-------Cable Fly’s
-------Machine Fly’s
Day 2: Back
-Barbell Rows(warm up) – 310
-Pull ups – 310
-Straight Leg Deadlifts
-------I start low to warm up and then gradually
work up to 335@4-6 reps. And then work back
-Machine Seated Row – 310
-Dumbbell Flat Bench Rows – 310
-Machine Lat Pull-Down – 3*10
Day 3: Shoulders
-Standing Barbell Press(behind the head(but not too far down)) – 310
-Sitting Barbell Military Press – 310
-Dumbbell Front Arm Raises – 310
-Dumbbell Side Arm Raises – 310
-Dumbbell Shrugs – 310
-Barbell Shrugs – 310
Day 4: Legs
-Box Squats
-------I employ the same technique to box squats as Deadlifts. Max out at 245@4-6 reps.
-Machine Leg Curls
-------3 Drop Sets: 1090/1060/1030
-Machine Leg Extensions – 310 with a fourth set being a Drop Set to just about failure.
-Calf raises – Lots!
-Weighted Lunges – 3*10
Day 5: Arms
-Sitting Preacher Curls – 310
-Skull Crushers(can’t think of any other name) – 310
-Concentration Curls – 310
-Rope Pull Downs – 310
-Standing Hammer Curls – 310
-Dumbell Overhead Tricep Extension – 310
Day 6: REST!!!
My diet consists of ~3.5k calories with 200g of Protein, 200-300g of Carbs(eaten during breakfast and lunch with minimal at dinner), and <80g of Fats. This is split up between 3 solid meals a day and 2-3 shakes. Plus random fruit snacking throughout the day. The only supplements I take are Labrada’s Supercharge(pre-workout), Whey Protein, Creatine Mono, and Multivitamins. Now my questions:
1) Is Dumbell Flat Bench more beneficial then Barbell Flat Bench?
2) Should I be doing more exercises on chest day?
3) Am I doing too many sets of Deadlifts? Should I be doing a different type of Deadlift?
4) Since I want to make my Squat stronger, are Box Squats the way to go?
5) I'm not worried about "big arms", but I have noticed my triceps holding back my chest workouts; is my Arms day sufficient?
6) Are my supplements sufficient? Am I missing something you would take?
Also any and all critique’s are welcome(be brutal)! And, any sort of answers would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks and cheers!