[quote]florelius wrote:
[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
[quote]florelius wrote:
[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Im looking to gain strength and bulk this is my 6 month in working out but I start again on monday after a 2 week break. I wanted to make sure the routine was alright.[/quote]
okay, what routine did you do those 6 months and what where the progress like? ( bodyweight from X to Y and the big lifts from X to Y )
Since you havent lifted that long and your goal is strenght and mass gain, then maybe something like starting strenght, stronglifts or 5/3/1 would be something for you. I can link you to some articles if you like.
( sorry if I where a bit dickish in my first post, but there is way better programs out there than the one you made yourself )
my progress was not that great. My weight would change alot the most Ive weighed was 138 Ive used the routine above, I wanted to stick with compound movements. And its all good any criticism is appreciated.
I was deadlifting 160 lbs
I bench pressed 117 lbs (sucks i know)
squat- 120lbs (sucks I know)
military press - 75 lbs (sucks i know)
I just added the bb curl so I guess that would be 60 lbs.[/quote]
Dont be so hard on your self, we all have to start somewhere and I am myselft not that strong. Anyhow you can probably make better progress if you get a better workout routine and improve your eating( thats the hardest part, I struggle with it myself ).
My suggestion will be this( its very similar to my routine btw, except I do 5/3/1 on the four big lifts ):
Session A:
Squat: 3x5.
Bench: 3x5.
DB rows: 3x10.
Abs: 3x10+
Session B:
Militarypress: 3x5.
Deadlift: 5/5/5.
chins: a total of 30-50reps.
abs: 3x10+
Two weeks will look like this:
Week1: ABA.
Week2: BAB.
Its similar to Stronglifts I know.
Start 20kg under your 5rm and increase the weight with 5pounds each session untill you stall. On squat, bench and Militarypress you do 3x5 on the same weight, but on the deadlift you build up over 3 setts to one top sett of 5 reps.
Do 2-3 warm up setts on all lifts, example:
Let say you are supposed to do 3x5 x 40kg on bench press, squat or militarypress, then you would do this:
sett 1: 20kg x 10reps. ( 50% of work setts )
sett 2: 30kg x 5reps. ( 75% of work setts )
sett 3: 40kg x 5reps.
sett 4: 40kg x 5reps.
sett 5: 40kg x 5reps.
If you are supposed to do 5 x 70kg in deadlift, it would look like this:
sett 1: 35kg x 5 ( 50% of work sett )
sett 2: 52,5kg x 5 ( 75% of work sett )
sett 3: 70kg x 5.
You can offcourse add in some curls, rear raises etc at the end, but dont do more than two isolation excercises at the end and dont feel bad if you dont have the energy for them some times.
What does your bulking diet look like?
This is a solid fucking plan. Only thing I would add is conditioning, go run sprints or a mile 2-3 times a week.