Critique My Routine

Critique My Routine.
Im 6’0’’ and 133 lbs 19 yrs old.

bench p. 3 x 5
military p. 3 x 5.

deadlift 3 x 8
bb squat 3 x 8
knees raises 3 x 10

pull ups 3 x 8
bb curls 3 x 8
bb shrugs 3 x 8

raw re built mass.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Critique My Routine’0’’ tall.

bench p. 3 x 5
military p. 3 x 5.

deadlift 3 x 8
bb squat 3 x 8
knees raises 3 x 10

pull ups 3 x 8
bb curls 3 x 8
bb shrugs 3 x 8

raw re built mass.[/quote]

First: Your routine sucks, it is just a list of random lifts.

Second: Whats your goal? ( strenght, gaining muscle, dropping weight )

Third: Whats your stats? ( age, how long have you been lifting, whats your best lifts, height, weights )

Regardless of your goal, this guidelines might help:

  1. Build your routine around this movements: squat, deadlift, bench, OHpress, rows and chins. ( you are allready doing most of this, so thats good, but you need to program it better ). Add in isolation excercises that compliments the six basic lifts.

  2. Structure your routine in such a way that you have balance beetwen the different lifts and musclegroups aka having balance beetwen pressing and pushing, lowerbody and upperbody etc.

  3. When you structure your routine you must make it fit into your life( overall activity, diet, sleeping pattern, how often you can get in the gym and so on ) and it must reflect your goal. If your goal is to lets say improve your squat, bench and deadlift, then you should build your routine around those lifts and in such a manner that allows you to become stonger at them.

Example of a basic push/pull/leg splitt for general strenght.

squat: 3 x 5 reps.
a secondary quad excercise( lunges, legpress, squat etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.
a hamstring excercise( RDL, GHR, legcurls etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.
a ab excercise( sit ups, leg raises, planks etc ): 3 x 10+ reps.

Benchpress or militarypress( choose the one you want to improve the most ): 3 x 5 reps.
a chest excercise( db press, push ups, dips etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.
a shoulder excercise( shoulderpress, side raises, rear raises etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.
a tricep excercise( glose grip bench, dips, extensions, pushdowns etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.

Deadlift: 3 x 5reps.
a rowing excercise( with db`s, barbell, cabels, in a machine etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.
a chins or pulldowns variation: 3 x 10-15reps or a total of 30-50reps.
a biceps excercise( db curls, barbell curls, hammer curls etc ): 3 x 10-15reps.

This is just an example of how to structure ones routine that isnt completly retarded( it is perhaps retarded if the goal is pure bodybuilding ), but aslong as it is balanced, its structured to help you reach your goal, its in accordance with your level of experience and it is “fun” enough to get your ass back to the gym week after week and month after month, it will probalby work aslong as the other important factors like sleep and diet is in place.

Hope that was any help, with best regards from Flo.

Im looking to gain strength and bulk this is my 6 month in working out but I start again on monday after a 2 week break. I wanted to make sure the routine was alright.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Im looking to gain strength and bulk this is my 6 month in working out but I start again on monday after a 2 week break. I wanted to make sure the routine was alright.[/quote]

okay, what routine did you do those 6 months and what where the progress like? ( bodyweight from X to Y and the big lifts from X to Y )

Since you havent lifted that long and your goal is strenght and mass gain, then maybe something like starting strenght, stronglifts or 5/3/1 would be something for you. I can link you to some articles if you like.

( sorry if I where a bit dickish in my first post, but there is way better programs out there than the one you made yourself )

[quote]florelius wrote:

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Im looking to gain strength and bulk this is my 6 month in working out but I start again on monday after a 2 week break. I wanted to make sure the routine was alright.[/quote]

okay, what routine did you do those 6 months and what where the progress like? ( bodyweight from X to Y and the big lifts from X to Y )

Since you havent lifted that long and your goal is strenght and mass gain, then maybe something like starting strenght, stronglifts or 5/3/1 would be something for you. I can link you to some articles if you like.

( sorry if I where a bit dickish in my first post, but there is way better programs out there than the one you made yourself )


my progress was not that great. My weight would change alot the most Ive weighed was 138 Ive used the routine above, I wanted to stick with compound movements. And its all good any criticism is appreciated.

I was deadlifting 160 lbs
I bench pressed 117 lbs (sucks i know)
squat- 120lbs (sucks I know)
military press - 75 lbs (sucks i know)

I just added the bb curl so I guess that would be 60 lbs.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:

[quote]florelius wrote:

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Im looking to gain strength and bulk this is my 6 month in working out but I start again on monday after a 2 week break. I wanted to make sure the routine was alright.[/quote]

okay, what routine did you do those 6 months and what where the progress like? ( bodyweight from X to Y and the big lifts from X to Y )

Since you havent lifted that long and your goal is strenght and mass gain, then maybe something like starting strenght, stronglifts or 5/3/1 would be something for you. I can link you to some articles if you like.

( sorry if I where a bit dickish in my first post, but there is way better programs out there than the one you made yourself )


my progress was not that great. My weight would change alot the most Ive weighed was 138 Ive used the routine above, I wanted to stick with compound movements. And its all good any criticism is appreciated.

I was deadlifting 160 lbs
I bench pressed 117 lbs (sucks i know)
squat- 120lbs (sucks I know)
military press - 75 lbs (sucks i know)

I just added the bb curl so I guess that would be 60 lbs.[/quote]

Dont be so hard on your self, we all have to start somewhere and I am myselft not that strong. Anyhow you can probably make better progress if you get a better workout routine and improve your eating( thats the hardest part, I struggle with it myself ).

My suggestion will be this( its very similar to my routine btw, except I do 5/3/1 on the four big lifts ):

Session A:
Squat: 3x5.
Bench: 3x5.
DB rows: 3x10.
Abs: 3x10+

Session B:
Militarypress: 3x5.
Deadlift: 5/5/5.
chins: a total of 30-50reps.
abs: 3x10+

Two weeks will look like this:

Week1: ABA.
Week2: BAB.

Its similar to Stronglifts I know.


Start 20kg under your 5rm and increase the weight with 5pounds each session untill you stall. On squat, bench and Militarypress you do 3x5 on the same weight, but on the deadlift you build up over 3 setts to one top sett of 5 reps.

Do 2-3 warm up setts on all lifts, example:

Let say you are supposed to do 3x5 x 40kg on bench press, squat or militarypress, then you would do this:

sett 1: 20kg x 10reps. ( 50% of work setts )

sett 2: 30kg x 5reps. ( 75% of work setts )

sett 3: 40kg x 5reps.

sett 4: 40kg x 5reps.

sett 5: 40kg x 5reps.

If you are supposed to do 5 x 70kg in deadlift, it would look like this:

sett 1: 35kg x 5 ( 50% of work sett )

sett 2: 52,5kg x 5 ( 75% of work sett )

sett 3: 70kg x 5.

You can offcourse add in some curls, rear raises etc at the end, but dont do more than two isolation excercises at the end and dont feel bad if you dont have the energy for them some times.

What does your bulking diet look like?

I eat anything and everything. salmon,tuna,beans (the ones with bacon and brown sugar), potatoes,bacon, baologna, chesseburgers anything…
and re built mass by gnc…

Im trying to keep my workout under an hour, cause I burn calories like you would not believe.

[quote]florelius wrote:

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:

[quote]florelius wrote:

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Im looking to gain strength and bulk this is my 6 month in working out but I start again on monday after a 2 week break. I wanted to make sure the routine was alright.[/quote]

okay, what routine did you do those 6 months and what where the progress like? ( bodyweight from X to Y and the big lifts from X to Y )

Since you havent lifted that long and your goal is strenght and mass gain, then maybe something like starting strenght, stronglifts or 5/3/1 would be something for you. I can link you to some articles if you like.

( sorry if I where a bit dickish in my first post, but there is way better programs out there than the one you made yourself )


my progress was not that great. My weight would change alot the most Ive weighed was 138 Ive used the routine above, I wanted to stick with compound movements. And its all good any criticism is appreciated.

I was deadlifting 160 lbs
I bench pressed 117 lbs (sucks i know)
squat- 120lbs (sucks I know)
military press - 75 lbs (sucks i know)

I just added the bb curl so I guess that would be 60 lbs.[/quote]

Dont be so hard on your self, we all have to start somewhere and I am myselft not that strong. Anyhow you can probably make better progress if you get a better workout routine and improve your eating( thats the hardest part, I struggle with it myself ).

My suggestion will be this( its very similar to my routine btw, except I do 5/3/1 on the four big lifts ):

Session A:
Squat: 3x5.
Bench: 3x5.
DB rows: 3x10.
Abs: 3x10+

Session B:
Militarypress: 3x5.
Deadlift: 5/5/5.
chins: a total of 30-50reps.
abs: 3x10+

Two weeks will look like this:

Week1: ABA.
Week2: BAB.

Its similar to Stronglifts I know.


Start 20kg under your 5rm and increase the weight with 5pounds each session untill you stall. On squat, bench and Militarypress you do 3x5 on the same weight, but on the deadlift you build up over 3 setts to one top sett of 5 reps.

Do 2-3 warm up setts on all lifts, example:

Let say you are supposed to do 3x5 x 40kg on bench press, squat or militarypress, then you would do this:

sett 1: 20kg x 10reps. ( 50% of work setts )

sett 2: 30kg x 5reps. ( 75% of work setts )

sett 3: 40kg x 5reps.

sett 4: 40kg x 5reps.

sett 5: 40kg x 5reps.

If you are supposed to do 5 x 70kg in deadlift, it would look like this:

sett 1: 35kg x 5 ( 50% of work sett )

sett 2: 52,5kg x 5 ( 75% of work sett )

sett 3: 70kg x 5.

You can offcourse add in some curls, rear raises etc at the end, but dont do more than two isolation excercises at the end and dont feel bad if you dont have the energy for them some times.

What does your bulking diet look like?


This is a solid fucking plan. Only thing I would add is conditioning, go run sprints or a mile 2-3 times a week.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
I eat anything and everything. salmon,tuna,beans (the ones with bacon and brown sugar), potatoes,bacon, baologna, chesseburgers anything…
and re built mass by gnc…

Im trying to keep my workout under an hour, cause I burn calories like you would not believe.[/quote]

If you way 138 pounds, you are not eating “anything and everything”. You need a plan. This is the simpliest and easiest to follow diet plan ever:

At EVERY meal, eat the following:

1- large piece of meat (or a bunch of eggs)
2- a serving of vegetables
3- a piece of fruit
4- a carb source (potatoes, rice, pasta, whatever)
5- wash it down with a big glass of milk

Do this 3-4 times a day.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Critique My Routine.
Im 6’0’’ and 133 lbs 19 yrs old.[/quote]

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
I eat anything and everything. [/quote]
If I had a dollar for every time a skinny guy told me they ate a ‘ton’ of food and had a magic metabolism that burnt it all off I would retire.

In reality you are more likely to over-estimate your intake. Keep a food journal and I bet you will be surprised how little you really eat.

targeted facestuffing…

Agree with Chris87 & florelius

A lot of people say they’re 'eating alot" but thats all relative. Try tracking your calories for a week, watch your bodyweight and adjust from there.

An alternative to what Chris87 said, have your regular meal (high protein…etc) but make nut butters your friend. Seriously, a few spoonfuls after each meal, I’m positive you’ll gain weight. Best of luck.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
Critique My Routine.
Im 6’0’’ and 133 lbs 19 yrs old.

bench p. 3 x 5
military p. 3 x 5.

deadlift 3 x 8
bb squat 3 x 8
knees raises 3 x 10

pull ups 3 x 8
bb curls 3 x 8
bb shrugs 3 x 8

raw re built mass.[/quote]

would it be cliche if i told you to do one of the following?
starting strength
mehdi hadim’s 5x5
west side for skinnny bastards

[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
targeted facestuffing…[/quote]

wow thanx guys, thanx for all your links and help. its all appreciated. one thing though, some programs for skinny guys say they should do low reps and some say to do high reps? doesnt high reps burn more calories?

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:

[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
targeted facestuffing…[/quote]

wow thanx guys, thanx for all your links and help. its all appreciated. one thing though, some programs for skinny guys say they should do low reps and some say to do high reps? doesnt high reps burn more calories?[/quote]

It’s not all about calories.

High reps (between 8 - 12) are said to be in the pure hypertrophy range.

Because the set is so long, you cannot load anything near your max, which means you’ll probably be hitting a lot of slow contractile muscle, meaning you’ll add be adding mass.

If you just want to be big to be big, this is probably your best bet.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:

[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
targeted facestuffing…[/quote]

wow thanx guys, thanx for all your links and help. its all appreciated. one thing though, some programs for skinny guys say they should do low reps and some say to do high reps? doesnt high reps burn more calories?[/quote]

Marginally more calories but nothing for you to worry about. 5x5 and ws4sb are PROVEN to put on a ton of mass if you work them hard and eat big, don’t worry about the hows and whys for now just pick one and follow the course

alright heres something I got from westside for skinny bastards.

bp- 3x5 max effort
dumbell bp- 3x8 supplemental
dumbell rows 4x10
hanging leg raises 3x10

bb squat 3x5 max effort
deadlift 3x8
romanian dl 3x10

friday repetition lift
dumbell bp 3x
skull crushers 3x8
pull ups 4x8 (i love these)
db presses standing or seating 3x10
hammer curls 3x8

looks ok. Nothing really missing. It could be simplified as

  1. upper body

  2. lower body

  3. upper body

I find it helps to really strip it down to the bare essentials and work from there. Looking at this plan, if you want to gain significantly bigger legs this will perhaps not be best for the job. In fact, all you need right now is containied in a sticky in this specific forum, in this section: ‘beginners’. Here’s a few choice cuts:

Regarding reps, what are your requirements? Look here and decide:

''2-3: strength with little size gain

4-5: strength and size gains, but more strength than size

6-8: strength and size gains, almost equally

9-12: strength and size gains, but more size than strength

13-15: size gains, and some muscle endurance gains

16-20: muscle endurance gains, and some size gains.‘’

As for the routine itself, look at the major muscles:

  1. chest and back
  2. biceps and triceps
  3. quadriceps and hamstrings
  4. lateral/front deltoid and rear deltoid
  5. abdominals and lower back

You need to stimulate these muscles as much as you humanly can without over-training. The best exercises depend entirely on you, but there are general rules of course:

Chest: Bench

Back: Rows

Legs: Squats

Shoulders: Chin-ups
Overhead-Press variations

Triceps: Dips
Bench variation

Biceps: Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl

That (above) is basically my routine done like this:


4 x 6 for squats, pull ups, dips, rows, deadlifts (low reps on bigger strength movements) and 4 x 10 for bench, shoulder press, curls (higher reps to encourage size on the less technical ‘isolation’ lifts)

It’s simple. KEEP IT SIMPLE

Read these (they will teach you how to work this out for yourself, just TRY - no one has answers here that will better what you can formulate yourself with some time and effort put in):

Training for Newbies, part 1:

Training for Newbies, part 2:

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
alright heres something I got from westside for skinny bastards.

bp- 3x5 max effort
dumbell bp- 3x8 supplemental
dumbell rows 4x10
hanging leg raises 3x10

bb squat 3x5 max effort
deadlift 3x8
romanian dl 3x10

friday repetition lift
dumbell bp 3x
skull crushers 3x8
pull ups 4x8 (i love these)
db presses standing or seating 3x10
hammer curls 3x8[/quote]

I don’t know where you got this, but you really shouldn’t modify the hell out of a program like that. Your lower body day is completely different, and there is no core work.

Go re-read the program, and follow it AS WRITTEN. Don’t change ANYTHING.

Also, you need to realize that this program is written for athletes, who do a lot of conditioning and skill work. That is the reason for only one lower body day. If you aren’t doing this, I would suggest you go with the 4 day/week option.

Also, realize you need to rotate your max effort exercises.

[quote]rockstar45 wrote:
alright heres something I got from westside for skinny bastards.

bp- 3x5 max effort
dumbell bp- 3x8 supplemental
dumbell rows 4x10
hanging leg raises 3x10

bb squat 3x5 max effort
deadlift 3x8
romanian dl 3x10

friday repetition lift
dumbell bp 3x
skull crushers 3x8
pull ups 4x8 (i love these)
db presses standing or seating 3x10
hammer curls 3x8[/quote]

On the right track, but for the max effort lift its really 7-10 sets of 3-5 reps working up in weight. From defranco himself in version 3 article:

""Hereâ??s an example of â??working upâ?? to a max set of 3 reps in the box squat. Assuming the athleteâ??s goal is to box squat 315 lbs. for 3 reps, a sample warm-up would look something like this:

95 X 5
135 X 5
185 X 3
225 X 3
275 X 3
295 X 3
315 X 3

It should be noted that these warm-up weights are not engraved in stone! Some people like to take bigger jumps and some prefer smaller. YOU must figure out what works best for YOU! The one thing I will suggest is that if you are a weak, skinny bastard, you must make sure youâ??re performing at least 5 total sets for your max-effort exercise. For example, letâ??s say youâ??re going for a 5RM in the box squat and your goal is 185 lbs. Donâ??t just do 95 X 5, 135 X 5 and 185 X 5. Skinny bastards need more volume in order to grow, so make sure you make smaller jumps in weight and get more sets in before your main set.“”