Hi gang, sorry to post yet another “critique-my-workout” thread, but I just wanted to know if my proposed mass gaining plan has any glaring “problems” with it.
Based on the knowledge on this site, I’ve tried to create a program that takes bits and pieces from different backgrounds.
- I agree with Berardi that we are over using the "overtraining" excuse. At the mo, I only spend 45min. of 24 hours in training. I want to increase that.
- I agree with King that we should split up the Quads and Hams into different workouts
- I agree with Chad Waterbury's theory that we don't need to pummel our muscles into failure in order to cause growth. Each set will be done until I'm 1-2 reps from failure
- I agree with (??) that we need a bit more work on the "pop 'em out" muscles
And so I give you:
Day 1: (Chest)
- floor presses
- incline dumbell
- incline barbell (slightly close hand grip. ie. hands slightly closer than shoulder width)
- pullovers (ie. the version where your ROM is from parallel with your head to ONLY a 45 degree angle)
Day 2: (Quads)
- back squats
- front squats
- walking lunges
- ski squats
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: (Back)
- wide-grip pullups (palms facing)
- pulldowns behind the neck
- wide-grip pullups (palms away)
- barbell bent-over rows
- cable rows
Day 5: (Shoulders & Arms)
- standing dumbell shoulder presses
- front raises / side laterals (ie. a rough superset.)
- shrugs
- reverse incline dumbell curls
- reverse ez-bar curls
- tricep kickbacks / one-arm behind the neck extensions / rope pushdowns (ie. another rough superset)
Day 6: rest
Day 7: Hams + Calves
- good mornings
- russian deadlifts
- standing one-legged calf raise
- calf-raises in the leg press machine
I do some hills on the treadmill a few mornings a week as well just to train the heart a bit.